(a) Medications that are self-administered and stored in the resident’s room shall be stored in a safe and secure manner as specified in the facility’s medication storage policy and procedures.
(b) All prescription and non-prescription medications stored by the facility, including those requiring refrigeration, shall be maintained in a safe manner under locked security except when under the immediate or direct physical supervision of staff in charge of medication administration.
(c) The medication storage area shall be clean, well-lighted, well-ventilated, large enough to store medications in an orderly manner, and located in areas other than the bathroom, kitchen or utility room. Medication carts shall be clean and medications shall be stored in an orderly manner.
(d) Accessibility to locked storage areas for medications shall only be by staff responsible for medication administration and administrator or person in charge.
(e) Medications intended for topical or external use, except for ophthalmic, otic and transdermal medications, shall be stored in a designated area separate from the medications intended for oral and injectable use. Ophthalmic, otic and transdermal medications may be stored with medications intended for oral and injectable use. Medications shall be stored apart from cleaning agents and hazardous chemicals.
(f) Medications requiring refrigeration shall be stored at 36 degrees F to 46 degrees F (2 degrees C to 8 degrees C).
(g) Medications shall not be stored in a refrigerator containing non-medications and non-medication related items, except when stored in a separate container. The container shall be locked when storing medications unless the refrigerator is locked or is located in a locked medication area.
(h) The facility shall only possess a stock of non-prescription medications or the following prescription legend medications for general or common use:
(1) irrigation solutions in single unit quantities exceeding 49 ml. and related diagnostic agents;
(2) diagnostic agents;
(3) vaccines; and
(4) water for injection and normal saline for injection.
Note: A prescribing practitioner’s order is required for the administration of any medication as stated in Rule .1004 (a) of this Section.
(i) First aid supplies shall be immediately available, stored out of sight of residents and visitors and stored separately in a secure and orderly manner.