Unfortunately, there are times when a resident will no longer meet the criteria to continue residency in your facility. Transferring a resident is a delicate process with many moving pieces to be arranged in a short amount of time. If you follow this regulation provided by the Georgia Department of Community Health when transferring a resident, you will be covered on all accounts:
111-8-63-.28 Immediate Transfers of Residents
(1) The administrator or on-site manager of the assisted living community must initiate an immediate transfer to an appropriate setting if the resident develops a physical or mental condition requiring continuous medical care or nursing care.
(2) Where the immediate transfer is required to be made, the administrator or on-site manager shall make arrangements for transfer in accordance with the admission agreement and must transfer the resident to an appropriate setting where the resident’s needs can be met. Prior to making such transfer, the administrator or on-site manager shall:
(a) inform the resident and representative or legal surrogate, if any, of the reason for the immediate transfer;
(b) inquire as to any preference of the resident and representative or legal surrogate, if any, regarding the appropriate setting to which the resident is to be transferred;
(c) inform the representative or legal surrogate, if any, of the resident’s choice regarding such transfer;
(d) inform the resident and the representative or legal surrogate, if any, of the place to which the resident is to be discharged;
(e) provide a copy of the resident file to the receiving setting within 24 hours of transfer; and
(f) document in the resident’s file the following:
- the reason for the immediate Transfers;
- the fact that the resident and the representative or legal surrogate, if anywhere informed pursuant to this paragraph; and
- appropriate location and contact information regarding the place to which the resident is to be transferred or discharged.
(3) Upon immediate Transfers of the resident, the assisted living community must refund to the resident or representative or legal surrogate, if any, any security deposit made to the assisted living community by or on behalf of the resident in compliance with O.C.G.A. § 44-7-30et seq.
Biggest Take Away:
Communication is key! Almost every line of the regulation states to “inform” someone, whether it be the resident, representative, or the accepting facility. You want to ensure this process goes as smoothly as possible to leave a positive mark for all involved parties.