(1) An ACLF shall not admit or permit the continued stay of any ACLF resident who has any of the following conditions:
(a) Requires treatment for stage III or stage IV decubitus ulcers or with exfoliative dermatitis;
(b) Requires continuous nursing care;
(c) Has an active, infectious, and reportable disease in a communicable state that requires contact isolation;
(d) Exhibits verbal or physically aggressive behavior which poses an imminent physical threat to self or others, based on behavior, not a diagnosis;
(e) Requires physical or chemical restraints, not including psychotropic medications for a
manageable mental disorder or condition; or
(f) Has needs that cannot be safely and effectively met in the ACLF.
(2) An ACLF resident shall be discharged and transferred to another appropriate setting such as home, a hospital, or a nursing home when the resident, the resident’s legal representative,
ACLF administrator or the resident’s treating physician determines that the ACLF cannot safely and effectively meet the resident’s needs, including medical services.
(a) The Board may require that an ACLF resident be discharged or transferred to another level of care if it determines that the resident’s needs, including medical services,
cannot be safely and effectively met in the ACLF.
(3) Except for the limitations set forth in (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this rule, an ACLF may admit and permit the continued stay of an individual meeting the level of care required for nursing
facility services, if:
(a) The resident’s treating physician certifies in writing that the resident’s needs, including medical services, can be safely and effectively met by the care provided in the ACLF; and
(b) The ACLF can provide assurances that the resident can be timely evacuated in case of fire or emergency.
(4) An ACLF shall not admit, but may permit the continued stay of residents who require:
(a) The following treatments on an intermittent basis of up to three (3) twenty-one (21) day periods. The resident’s treating physician must certify that treatment can be safely and
effectively provided by the ACLF for the last two (2) twenty-one (21) day periods.
1. Nasopharyngeal or tracheotomy aspiration;
2. Nasogastric feedings;
3. Gastrostomy feedings; or
4. Intravenous therapy or intravenous feedings.
(b) The treatments described in parts (1)-(4) above can be provided on an on-going basis if:
1. The resident is receiving hospice services;
2. The resident does not qualify for nursing facility level care and the board grants a waiver; or
3. The resident is able to care for the specified conditions without the assistance of facility personnel or other appropriately licensed entity. Such a resident may be
admitted or permitted to continue as a resident of the ACLF.
(5) An ACLF resident qualifying for hospice care shall be able to receive hospice care services and continue as a resident if the resident’s treating physician certifies that such care can be
appropriately provided in the ACLF.
(a) In the event that the resident is able to receive hospice services in an ACLF, the resident’s hospice provider and the ACLF shall be jointly responsible for a plan of care
that is prepared pursuant to current hospice guidelines promulgated by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare and ensures both the safety and well-being of the resident’s
living environment and provision of the resident’s health care needs.
(b) The hospice provider shall be available to assess, plan, monitor, direct and evaluate the resident’s palliative care with the resident’s treating physician and in cooperation
with the ACLF.
(6) An ACLF shall:
(a) Be able to identify at the time of admission and during continued stay those residents whose needs for services are consistent with these rules and regulations, and those
residents who should be transferred to a higher level of care;
(b) Have a written admission agreement that includes a procedure for handling the transfer or discharge of residents and that does not violate the residents’ rights under the law or
these rules;
(c) Have an accurate written statement regarding fees and services which will be provided residents upon admission;
(d) Give a thirty (30) day notice to all residents before making any changes in fee schedules;
(e) Ensure that residents see a physician for acute illness or injury and are transferred in accordance with any physician’s orders;
(f) Provide to each resident at the time of admission a copy of the resident’s rights for the resident’s review and signature;
(g) Have written policies and procedures to assist residents in the proper development,
filing, modification, and rescission of an advance directive, a living will, a do-not-resuscitate order, and the appointment of a durable power of attorney for health care;
(h) Prior to the admission of a resident or prior to the execution of a contract for the care of a resident (whichever occurs first), each ACLF shall disclose in writing to the resident
or to the resident’s legal representative, whether the ACLF has liability insurance and the identity of the primary insurance carrier. If the ACLF is self-insured, its statement
shall reflect that fact and indicate the corporate entity responsible for payment of any claims;
(i) Document evidence of annual vaccination against influenza for each resident, in accordance with the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices of the Centers for Disease Control most recent to the time of vaccine, unless such vaccination is medically contraindicated or the resident has refused the vaccine. Influenza vaccination for all residents accepting the vaccine shall be completed by November 30 of each year or within ten (10) days of the vaccine becomes available.
Residents admitted after this date during the flu season and up to February 1, shall as medically appropriate, receive influenza vaccination prior to or on admission unless
refused by the resident; and
(j) Document evidence of vaccination against pneumococcal disease for all residents who are sixty-five (65) years of age or older, in accordance with the recommendations of the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control at the time of vaccination, unless such vaccination is medically contraindicated or the
a resident has refused offers of the vaccine. The facility shall provide or arrange the pneumococcal vaccination of residents who have not received this immunization prior
to or on admission unless the resident refuses an offer of the vaccine.
(k) Prior to the admission of a resident or prior to the execution of a contract for the care of a resident (whichever occurs first), each ACLF shall disclose in writing to the resident
or to the resident’s legal representative a copy of the medication disposal policy, which shall be written in accordance with current FDA or current DEA medication disposal
(7) An ACLF shall have documented plans and procedures to show evacuation of all residents.
(8) An ACLF may not retain a resident who cannot evacuate within thirteen (13) minutes unless the ACLF complies with Chapter 19 of the 2006 edition of the NFPA Life Safety Code, and
the Institutional Unrestrained Occupancy of the 2006 edition of the International Building Code.
(9) An ACLF utilizing secured units shall provide survey staff with twelve (12) months of the
following performance information specific to the secured unit and its residents at its annual
(a) Documentation that an interdisciplinary team consisting of at least a physician, a registered nurse, and a family member (or patient care advocate) has evaluated each
secured resident prior to admittance to the unit;
(b) Ongoing and up-to-date documentation that each resident’s interdisciplinary team has performed a quarterly review as to the appropriateness of placement in the secured
(c) A current listing of the number of deaths and hospitalizations, with diagnoses, that have occurred on the unit;
(d) A current listing of all unusual incidents and/or complications on the unit;
(e) An up-to-date staffing pattern and staff ratios for the unit that is recorded on a daily basis. The staffing pattern must ensure that there is a minimum of one (1) attendant,
awake, on duty, and physically located on the unit twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, at all times;
(f) A formulated calendar of daily group activities scheduled, including a resident
the attendance record for the previous three (3) months;
(g) An up-to-date listing of any incidences of decubitus and/or nosocomial infections, including resident identifiers; and
(h) Documentation showing that 100% of the staff working on the unit receives annual in-service training which shall include, but not be limited to, the following subject areas:
1. Basic facts about the causes, progression, and management of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders;
2. Dealing with dysfunctional behavior and catastrophic reactions in the residents;
3. Identifying and alleviating safety risks to the resident;
4. Providing assistance in the activities of daily living for the resident; and
5. Communicating with families and other persons interested in the resident.