The administrator must ensure policies and procedures are developed and implemented to ensure nursing services are
performed in accordance with IDAPA 23.01.01, “Rules of the Idaho Board of Nursing” and this chapter of rules. The
facility must have on staff sufficient nursing personnel to meet the requirements in this rule.
01. Licensed Registered Nurse (RN). A licensed registered nurse (RN) must visit the facility at least
once every ninety (90) days to conduct initial and quarterly nursing assessments for each resident as described in
Section 305 of these rules. The licensed registered nurse is responsible for delegation of nursing functions, according
to IDAPA 23.01.01, “Rules of the Idaho Board of Nursing.”
02. Licensed Nurse. The licensed nurse must be available to address changes in a resident’s health or
mental status, review and implement new orders, and notify the physician or authorized provider when a resident
repeatedly refuses to follow physician orders.

For each resident the licensed registered nurse must assess and document, including date and signature, the following:
01. Resident Medications and Therapies. Each resident’s use of, and response to all medications,
(including over-the-counter, and prescribed therapies), the monitoring of side effects, interactions, abuse, or other
adverse effects, and ensuring the resident’s physician or authorized provider is notified of any identified concerns
with medications and therapies.
02. Current Medication Orders and Treatment Orders. Each resident’s medication and treatment
orders are current and verified for the following:
a. The medication listed on the medication distribution container, including over-the-countermedications, is
consistent with physician or authorized provider orders;
b. The physician or authorized provider orders related to therapeutic diets, treatments, and
medications for each resident are followed; and
c. A copy of the actual written, signed, and dated orders are present in each resident’s care record.
03. Resident Health Status. The health status of each resident by conducting a physical assessment
and identifying symptoms of illness, or any changes in mental or physical health status.
04. Recommendations. Recommendations to the administrator regarding any medication needs, other
health needs requiring follow-up, or changes needed to the NSA. The nurse must notify the physician or authorized
provider of recommendations for medical care and services that are needed.
05. Progress of Previous Recommendations. The progress of previous recommendations regarding
any medication needs or other health needs that require follow-up.
06. Self-Administered Medication. Each resident participating in a self-administered medication
program at the following times:
a. Before the resident can self-administer medication to ensure resident safety; and
b. Every ninety (90) days to evaluate the continued validity of the assessment to ensure the resident is
still capable to safely self-administer medication(s).
07. Resident and Facility Staff Education. Recommendations for any health care-related educational
needs, for both the resident and facility staff, as the result of the nursing assessment or at the direction of the resident’s
health care provider.