(1) Sanitation.
(a) Water Supply.
1. If at all possible, all water shall be obtained from a public water supply. If it is impossible to
connect to a public water system, the private water supply shall meet the approval of the local County Health
2. Water under pressure of not less than 15 pounds per square inch shall be piped within the building
to all sinks, toilets, lavatories, tubs, showers, and other fixtures requiring water. Tubs, showers, sinks, lavatories,
and other fixtures used by residents shall have hot water supplied. Hot water accessible to residents shall in no
case exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
(b) Disposal of Liquid and Human Wastes.
1. There shall be installed within the building a properly designed waste disposal system, connecting to
all fixtures to which water under pressure is piped.
2. All liquid and human waste, including floor wash water and liquid waste from refrigerators, shall be
disposed through trapped drains into a public sewer in localities where such system is available.
3. In localities where a public sanitary sewer is not available, liquid and human waste shall be disposed
through trapped drains into a sewage disposal system approved by the local County Health Department. The sewage
disposal system shall be of a size and capacity based on the number of residents and personnel housed and employed
in the institution. Where the sewage disposal system is installed at an existing facility prior to granting of a
license, it shall be inspected and approved by the local County Health Department.
(c) Premises. The premises shall be kept neat and clean. The property shall be free of rubbish, weeds,
ponded water, or other conditions that may create a health, safety, or sanitation hazard.
(d) Control of Insects, Rodents and Other Pests. Each facility shall be kept free of ants, flies, roaches,
rodents, and other pests. Proper and lawful methods for their eradication or control shall be used. Droppings shall
be evidence of infestation by pests.
(e) Toilet Room Cleanliness. Floors, walls, ceilings, and fixtures of all toilet rooms shall be kept
clean and free of objectionable odors. These rooms shall be kept free of an accumulation of rubbish, cleaning supplies, and toiletry articles. The use of a common towel and common bar soap is prohibited.
(f) Garbage Disposal.
1. Garbage must be kept in water-tight suitable containers with tight-fitting covers. Garbage containers
must be emptied at frequent intervals and shall be thoroughly cleaned and aired before using again.
2. Garbage and waste shall be disposed of in accordance with local and state regulations.
(g) Control of odors. The facility shall be free of objectionable odors.
(2) Housekeeping and Physical Plant Maintenance.
The facility must provide a safe, functional, sanitary, decent, and comfortable environment for residents, staff,
and the public.
(a) Equipment and Supplies. The home shall maintain an adequate quantity of housekeeping and
maintenance equipment and supplies.
(b) Bathtubs and Lavatories. Bathtubs and lavatories shall be kept clean and in proper working order,
and shall not be used for laundering.
(c) Resident Bedrooms. Resident bedrooms shall be cleaned and dusted as often as necessary to maintain a
clean, attractive appearance.
(d) General Storage.
1. Broken beds, extra mattresses, mop buckets, and dust rags shall not be kept in hallways, closets,
corners, or occupied resident rooms. Such items must be stored neatly and orderly in designated storage rooms.
2. The use of attics for storage of combustible materials shall be prohibited unless protected by an
automatic sprinkler system and then only in small quantities so as not to create a hazardous condition.
3. Basements used for storage shall meet acceptable standards for storage and shall be designed and
constructed in a manner that protects against fire hazards.
4. Flammable materials such as gasoline, motor fuels, lighter fluid, turpentine, acetone, and oil-based
paint shall not be stored in the facility. Unless prohibited by a facility’s own policies, however, a
cognitively intact resident who uses lighter fluid to fill a personal cigarette lighter, or one who uses flammable
materials such as paint or glue in connection with a personal hobby, may store small quantities of those
materials in a safe and secure manner within his or her own room.
5. Poisonous or External Use Substances. Facility cleaning supplies and poisons shall be attended at
all times or shall be kept in a secure area.