a. Relocation is the closing of a facility and the movement of its residents to another
b. A license holder must not relocate a facility without approval from DADS.
c. Before a relocation, the license holder must submit an application for an initial license for
the new location in accordance with §92.14 of this subchapter (relating to Initial
Application Procedures and Requirements) and the fee required in §92.4 of this chapter
(relating to License Fees).
d. Residents must not be relocated until the new building has been inspected and approved
as meeting the Life Safety Code licensure requirements in Subchapter D of this chapter
(relating to Facility Construction).
e. Following Life Safety Code approval by DADS, the license holder must notify DADS of
the date the residents will be relocated.
f. DADS issues a license for the new facility if the new facility meets the standards of
operation and resident care based on an on-site health inspection. The effective date of
the license is the date all residents are relocated.
g. The license holder must continue to maintain the license at the current location and must
continue to meet all requirements for operation of the facility until DADS has approved
the relocation. The issuance of a license constitutes DADS’ approval of the relocation.
The license for the current location becomes invalid upon issuance of the new license for
the new location.