Website Watercrest Winter Park



Document in Resident care notes when completed


Daily-Each Shift

72 hours


New Resident-Each shift

Residents returning from ER, Hosp or Rehab stay

LNS –daily documentation (State of Florida only)

Ensure TED hose are applied and removed daily, Oxygen is administered correctly

Daily-Each Shift-LNS Documentation

Notify RWD/Shannon if a resident requires these services

MOR book reviews weekly

You Must Notify Pharmacy Of Any Medications Out Of Stock And Try Your Best To Have Them Sent Over ASAP!!!

Hold nurses and med assist accountable if MORs are not completed

Monthly weights

Completed and documented by the 7th of each month

Weight change reports faxed to MD by the 10th

Additional duties

Filing, board updates, POS mailed out quarterly and monitored for return, Chart Thinning and Breakdown,

Monthly MOR reviews, POS reviews

Temps on nursing and Spec Fridges-Night Shift

Time Clock-hours and schedules and breaks

BE ON TIME-You must wait for you replacement-Nurse must be on premises

Medication Destruction

When meds have been D/C’d, you must notify the family prior to destruction to see if they want to pick them up – must destroy Narcs

Supervisory Role


Emergency Responses-Check ERS devices are signed out/in correctly

Tuesday and Thursday AM-be sure residents are ready for MD appts and have proper paperwork

Temps on Fridges in med tech rooms

Nursing to participate at meal times in MC

During a slow period-Walk the floors and spot check RCS assignments are complete

Call-offs: Call RWD/ED or MCD and FIND COVERAGE accordingly-Notify when covered

Med orders

Fax Med orders to pharmacy ASAP

Transcribe on MOR and double check

Pull D/Cd meds at time of transcribing

YELLOW OUT all D/Cd and changed orders

Initial and date all orders transcribed on MOR

Look to see if med is already transcribed onto MOR before transcribing

Count Narcs during nursing crossover double check med assists have counted narcs

All Orders

Double check that they are completed in their entirety

Document-time, date, action and initial all orders

ALL orders coming in before 1:30 and before 9:00 must be completed during your shift. Any orders after may be left for following shift IF you are busy.

Collect specimen within 24 hours of obtaining order and call for pick up if not on lab day

Tours –You may be asked to give a mini tour after hours or on weekends

Answer phone if sitting at desk after front desk hours 6:00pm-7:00am.


To apply for this job email your details to [email protected]