- 64-14-1. General.
1.1. Scope. — This legislative rule establishes specific standards and procedures to provide for the health, safety, and the protection of the rights and dignity of residents of assisted living residences. This rule should be read in conjunction with W. Va. Code §§16-5D-1 et seq. The W. Va. Code is available in public libraries and on the Legislature’s web page, http://www.legis.state.wv.us/.
1.2. Authority. — W. Va. Code §§16-5D-5, -17, and 16-1-4.
1.3. Filing Date. — April 12, 2006.
1.4. Effective Date. — May 1, 2006.
1.5. Amendment of Former Rule. — This rule amends Division of Health rule, “Assisted Living Residences” 64CSR14, effective April 1, 2004