481—57.38 (135C) Financial affairs—management.
Each resident, who has not been assigned a guardian or conservator by the court, may manage the resident’s own personal financial affairs, and
to the extent, underwritten authorization by the resident that the facility assists in management, the
management shall be carried out in accordance with Iowa Code section 135C.24. (II)
57.38(1) The facility shall maintain a written account of all residents’ funds received by or deposited
with the facility. (II)
57.38(2) An employee shall be designated in writing to be responsible for resident accounts. (II)
57.38(3) The facility shall keep on deposit personal funds over which the resident has control in
accordance with Iowa Code subsection 135C.24(2). Should the resident request these funds, they shall
be given to the resident on request with receipts maintained by the facility and a copy to the resident. In
the case of a confused or intellectually disabled resident, the resident’s responsible party shall designate
a method of disbursing the resident’s funds. (II)
57.38(4) If the facility makes financial transactions on a resident’s behalf, the resident must receive
or acknowledge having seen an itemized accounting of disbursements and current balances at least
quarterly. A copy of this statement shall be maintained in the resident’s financial or business record.(II)
57.38(5) A resident’s personal funds shall not be used without the written consent of the resident or
the resident’s guardian. (II)
57.38(6) A resident’s personal funds shall be returned to the resident when the funds have been
used without the written consent of the resident or the resident’s guardian. The department may report
findings that resident funds have been used without written consent to the audits division or the local law
enforcement agency, as appropriate. (II)