Title Resident Care – Elopement Standards
Statute or Rule 58A-5.0182(8) FAC
(a) Residents Assessed at Risk for Elopement. All residents assessed at risk for an elopement or with any history of elopement must be identified so staff can be alerted to their needs for support and supervision.
1. As part of its resident elopement response policies and procedures, the facility must make, at a minimum, a daily effort to determine that at-risk residents have identification on their persons that includes their name and the facility ‘ s name, address, and telephone number. Staff attention must be directed towards residents assessed at high risk for elopement, with special attention given to those with Alzheimer ‘ s disease or related disorders assessed at high risk. 2. At a minimum, the facility must have a photo identification of at-risk residents on file that is accessible to all facility staff and law enforcement as necessary. The facility ‘ s file must contain the resident ‘ s photo identification within 10 days of admission or within 10 days of being assessed at risk for elopement subsequent to admission. The photo identification may be provided by the facility, the resident, or the resident ‘ s representative.
(b) Facility Resident Elopement Response Policies and Procedures. The facility must develop detailed written policies and procedures for responding to a resident elopement. At a minimum, the policies and procedures must provide for:
1. An immediate search of the facility and premises;
2. The identification of staff responsible for implementing each part of the elopement response policies and procedures, including specific duties and responsibilities;
3. The identification of staff responsible for contacting law enforcement, the resident ‘ s family, guardian, health care surrogate, and case manager if the resident is not located pursuant to subparagraph (8)(b)1.; and
4. The continued care of all residents within the facility in the event of an elopement.
(c) Facility Resident Elopement Drills. The facility must conduct and document resident elopement drills pursuant to Sections 429.41(1)(a)3. and 429.41(1)(l), F.S.