The following definitions shall apply throughout this Section:

(1)           “Alzheimer’s Disease” means a progressive, degenerative disease that attacks the brain and results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior. Characteristic symptoms of the disease include gradual memory loss, impaired judgment, disorientation, personality change, difficulty in learning, and loss of language skills.

(2)           “Related disorders” means dementing or memory impairing conditions characterized by irreversible memory dysfunction.

(3)           “Special care unit for persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or related disorders” means an entire facility or any section, wing or hallway within an adult care home separated by closed doors from the rest of the home, or a program provided by an adult care home, that is designated or advertised especially for special care of residents with Alzheimer’s Disease or related disorders.

(4)           “Care coordinator” means a staff person in a special care unit who oversees resident care and coordinates, supervises and evaluates resident services to assure that each resident receives services appropriate to the individual’s needs.