Admission Agreements

It is always an exciting time when a new resident chooses to move into your community! Many hours of work from your team have paid off and now you welcome a new member to the “family”- but it’s not done yet! The state of Kentucky requires a written admission agreement for every new person moving into an Assisted Living Facility. Agreements should always be signed prior to the resident moving in or taking possession of the apartment. Check out the regulations below as to what needs to be included in the written admission agreement:

194A.713 Contents of the lease agreement.
A lease agreement, in no smaller type than twelve (12) point font, shall be executed by the client and
the assisted-living community and shall include but not be limited to:
(1) Client data, for the purpose of providing service, to include:
(a) Emergency contact person’s name;
(b) Name of the responsible party or legal guardian, if applicable;
(c) Attending physician’s name;
(d) Information regarding personal preferences and social factors; and
(e) Advance directive under KRS 311.621 to 311.643, if desired by the client.
(2) Assisted-living community’s policy regarding termination of the lease agreement;
(3) Terms of occupancy;
(4) General services and fee structure;
(5) Information regarding specific services provided, description of the living unit, and associated fees;
(6) Provisions for modifying client services and fees;
(7) Minimum thirty (30) day notice provision for a change in the community’s fee structure;
(8) Minimum thirty (30) day move-out notice provision for client nonpayment, subject to applicable
landlord or tenant laws;
(9) Provisions for assisting any client that has received a move-out notice to find appropriate living
arrangements prior to the actual move-out date;
(10) Refund and cancellation policies;
(11) Description of any special programming, staffing, or training if an assisted living community is
marketed as providing special programming, staffing, or training on behalf of clients with particular
needs or conditions;
(12) Other community rights, policies, practices, and procedures;
(13) Other client rights and responsibilities, including compliance with KRS 194A.705(2) and (3); and
(14) Grievance policies that minimally address issues related to confidentiality of complaints and the
process for resolving grievances between the client and the assisted-living community.

Pro Tip:
Often a facility will be cited during an unexpected visit for not keeping a proper record of the written admission agreement. Ensure that your community has a policy in place for 1. Identifying WHEN the contract shall be signed and WHO will be present for the signing. 2. Tracking system for resident written admission agreement after completion. (It is recommended to keep a binder or folder for each resident with any documents pertinent to their residency just as you would with a clinical chart)