While operating an assisted living facility in the state of Maryland, you must provide certain accommodations pertaining to a resident’s room and the furnishings inside of the room. While you may not have been included in the design or construction of the community you must ensure you stay compliant with the following regulation provided by OHCQ:
.49 Resident’s Room and Furnishings.
A. Resident Room.
(1) More than two residents may not share a resident room.
(2) An assisted living program shall provide at least 80 square feet of functional space for single occupancy resident rooms and 120 square feet of functional space for double occupancy resident rooms.
(3) Functional space in a resident room does not include the floor area of:
(a) Toilet rooms and bathing facilities;
(b) Closets, wardrobes, bureaus, or lockers;
(c) Entrance vestibules; or
(d) The arc of any door, excluding closet doors, that opens into the room.
(4) A room may not be used as a resident room if:
(a) The only access to the room is through a bathroom or other resident room; or
(b) In order to move from the room to a living room or dining room a person must first go outdoors.
(5) For a program with a licensed capacity of 17 or more beds, a room may not be used as a resident room if, in order to move from the room to a living room or dining room, an individual is required to first pass through a kitchen.
(6) Resident rooms shall be for the private use of the assigned resident or residents. A resident’s room shall have a latching door and may have a lock on the resident room side of the door at the licensee’s option.
(7) If a resident in a double occupancy room requests dividers, curtains, or screens between the beds to ensure privacy, the assisted living program shall furnish them.
(8) A resident shall have access to a mirror either in the resident’s room or in the resident’s private bathroom unless the physician documents in the resident’s record that access to a mirror would be detrimental to the health of the resident.(9) A resident’s room shall have window shades or their equivalent.
(10) The assisted living program shall provide adequate closet or wardrobe space, conveniently located to allow
each resident to keep personal clothing.
B. Furnishings. Unless a resident brings personal furnishings, or as otherwise specified in the resident agreement,
the assisted living program shall provide the following to each resident:
(1) Abed, which may not be a rollaway, cot, or folding bed, but shall:
(a) Be at least 36 inches wide;
(b) Be in good repair; and
(c) Include:
(i) A clean, comfortable mattress sized to fit the bed frame; and
(ii) At least two clean, comfortable pillows;
(2) A bedside stand with a drawer;
(3) A comfortable chair;
(4) At least two dresser drawers in a chest of drawers;
(5) A bedside or over-the-bed lamp; and
(6) A sufficient supply of bath and bed linens.
C. A competent resident may waive the resident’s right to one or all of the furnishings listed in §B of this
regulation by signing a waiver and having the waiver placed in the resident’s record.
D. The assisted living program shall inform a resident of all of the furnishings that the program provides. The
the resident may choose to provide a personal bed or other furnishings if they are not hazardous