59A-36.028 ALF Minimum Core Training Curriculum Requirements.
(1) CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS. An approved core training provider must conduct core training using the curriculum outlined in AHCA Form 3180-1038, September 2019, which is incorporated by reference in this rule. The curriculum is available from the Agency for Health Care Administration, Assisted Living Unit, 2727 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308-5403 or the Agency’s website at: http://acha.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Assisted_Living/alf.shtml.
(2) MONITORING. The Agency reserves the right to do the following:
(a) Require submission of the core training schedule from a core trainer;
(b) Attend and monitor core training courses;
(c) Review provider records and course materials pursuant to this rule; and,
(d) Conduct on-site or virtual monitoring, follow-up monitoring, and require implementation of a corrective action plan if the provider does not adhere to the approved curriculum.
(3) CANCELLATION OF CORE REGISTRATION. The Agency may cancel the core registration and remove any ALF core training provider from the approved list who fails to:
(a) Submit a core training schedule within 10 business days after the request;
(b) Comply with a corrective action plan issued by the Agency within 45 calendar days after the notification;
(c) Have a student passage rate at or above 55% as determined by the Agency’s contracted vendor in the preceding calendar year;
(d) Conduct an ALF core training session in the preceding calendar year; or
(e) Submit at least 10 examinees’ names to the Agency’s contracted ALF core training testing vendor in the preceding calendar year.
(4) This rule is in effect for five years from its effective date.