ALF Articles
39-926a. Limitation on number of persons licensed to operate adult care home; application of section; section supplemental to adult care home licensure act | KS
39-926a. Limitation on number of persons licensed to operate adult care home; application of section; section supplemental to adult care home licensure act. Except
39-926. License required to operate home; compliance with regulations | KS
39-926. License required to operate home; compliance with regulations. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons acting jointly or severally to operate
39-925. Administration of act; transfer of administration to secretary for aging and disability services; appointment of officer to administer the act; contracts | KS
39-925. Administration of act; transfer of administration to secretary for aging and disability services; appointment of officer to administer the act; contracts. The administration
39-924. Purpose of act | KS
39-924. Purpose of act. The purpose of this act is the development, establishment, and enforcement of standards: For the care, treatment, health, safety,
39-923. Definitions | KS
39-923. Definitions. As used in this act: “Adult care home” means any nursing facility, nursing facility for mental health, intermediate care facility for

Managing resident finances | WV
Due to the nature of money exchanging hands between your residents and you (your facility) it is prudent of you to keep pristine records regarding