ALF Articles

Proving care in the memory support setting | TN
Providing care in dementia or memory support communities can be a daunting task due to the increased care needs related to their disease process. With

What services can you provide in an ACLF?- TN
Determining what medical services are allowed in an ACLF is a straightforward conversation. Your clinical care team in addition to any third-party providers are entrusted

Staffing Requirements in an ACLF | TN
One of the most important elements for running a successful ACLF is having a strong team that is passionate about caring for seniors. It can

Conspicuous Posting | TN
The Tennessee OHCF has mandated that certain information must be displayed in a conspicuous location and readily accessible for residents, visitors, and staff alike. Ensuring

Keeping your P&Ps in line | TN
Having a thorough set of policies and procedures for how their facility operates can certainly keep them out of hot water in many different circumstances.

Pronouncing death of a resident in an ACLF | TN
One of the most difficult times for residents and staff in an ACLF is when a resident passes away. Many times, there has been an