ALF Articles

6845. Intermittent Nursing Services | LA
There are certain times when level 4 ARCPs are allowed to provide intermittent nursing services such as medication administration, administration of health treatments, diabetic management,

6843. Medication Administration | LA
Medication Administration and all the variables involved with providing medication in an ARCP can be the biggest headache (no pun intended) that you come in

6835. Person-Centered Service Plan | LA
One of the more important documents related to a resident’s care in your facility is the Person-Centered Service Plan. This is an all-encompassing document that

6833. Pre-Residency and Continued Residency | LA
The pre-residency interview and assessment are perhaps one of the single most important elements of future success for an ARCP and the prospective resident. This

6829. Policy and Procedures | LA
While operating an ARCP in the state of Louisiana, it is not just suggested, but required to have policies and procedures for many operational aspects

6823. Statement of Deficiencies | LA
So, you have had your survey and/or a complaint investigation and the surveyor has concluded that your facility has some work to be done. Fear