WAC 388-78A-2900  Retention of approved construction documents. The assisted living facility must retain paper or electronic copies of the following on the assisted living facility premises:

  • Specification data on materials used in construction, for the life of the product;
  • Stamped “approved” set of construction documents;
  • The certificate of occupancy or final inspection granted by the local building official;
  • The functional program required under WAC 388-78A-2361; and
  • Any approved exemption or alternative methods of compliance issued by the department.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-2900, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2900, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-2900, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-2920  Area for nursing supplies and equipment.  (1) In each building, the assisted living facility must provide for the safe and sanitary storage and handling of nursing equipment and supplies appropriate to the needs of their residents, as well as for the soiled nursing equipment by providing:

(a) A “clean” utility area for the purposes of storing and preparing nursing supplies, or durable and disposable medical equipment equipped with:

  • A work counter or table; and
  • A handwashing sink, with soap and paper towels or other ap-proved hand-drying device;

(b) A “soiled” utility room for the purposes of storing soiled linen, cleaning nursing care equipment, and disposing of refuse and infectious waste, equipped with:

  • A work counter or table;
  • A two-compartment sink for handwashing and equipment clean-ing and sanitizing;
  • Soap and paper towels or other approved hand-drying device; and
  • Locked storage for cleaning supplies, if stored in the area.

(c) An area for locked medication storage consistent with WAC 388-78A-2260, equipped with: (i) A work surface; and

(ii) An adjacent hand-washing sink, with soap and paper towels or other approved hand-drying device.

  • “Clean” and “soiled” utility areas must be accessible by staff persons, or residents with appropriate staff assistance if those “clean” or “soiled” areas contain resident laundry facilities.
  • Single designs meeting the functional intent and built to ad-dress issues of infection control, work process, and mechanical ventilation may be approved.
  • Each assisted living facility:

(a) May combine areas used for storing, handling, and cleaning soiled laundry and linens, areas used for cleaning nursing care equipment, areas for disposing of refuse and infectious waste, and/or areas for storing housekeeping and cleaning supplies, into a single area on the premises only when the assisted living facility equips the area with:

  • A two-compartment sink for handwashing and sanitizing;
  • A work counter or table;
  • A mechanical ventilation to the outside of the assisted living facility; and
  • Locked storage for cleaning supplies, if stored in the area.

(b) Must ensure that any work or function performed in or around a combined utility area as described in subsection (4)(a) of this section is performed without significant risk of contamination to:

  • Storing or handling clean nursing supplies or equipment;
  • Storing or handling clean laundry;
  • Providing resident care;
  • Food storage, preparation, or service; or
  • Other operations or services of functions in the assisted living facility sensitive to infection control practices.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-2920, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2920, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-2920, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-2920, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-2930  Communication system.  (1) The assisted living facility must:

(a) Provide residents and staff persons with the means to summon on-duty staff assistance from all resident-accessible areas including:

  • Bathrooms and toilet rooms;
  • Resident living rooms and resident sleeping rooms; and
  • Corridors, as well as common and outdoor areas accessible to residents.

(b) Provide the resident with personal wireless communication devices, such as pendants or wristbands, when a communication device is not installed in the resident’s sleeping room, and when wireless communications are used:

  • The system must be designed and installed consistent with in-dustry standards and perform reliably throughout the facility; and
  • The facility must have a policy and procedure describing the mitigating measures in the event of system disruption, including for maintenance and loss of power; and

(c) Provide residents, families, and other visitors with a means to contact a staff person inside the building from outside the building after hours.

(2) The assisted living facility must provide one or more nonpay telephones:

  • In each building located for ready access for staff persons; and
  • On the premises with reasonable access and privacy by resi-dents.
  • The assisted living facility must equip each resident room with access to telephone service.
  • If an assisted living facility chooses to install an intercom system, the intercom system must be equipped with a mechanism that allows a resident to control:
  • Whether or not announcements are broadcast into the resi-dent’s room; and
  • Whether or not voices or conversations within the resident’s room can be monitored or listened to by persons outside the resident’s room.

(5) The facility must provide wireless internet access.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-2930, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2930, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-2930, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-2930, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-2940  Two-way intercom systems.  The assisted living facility may use a two-way intercom system between staff persons and residents in other rooms only when:

  • A resident initiates the contact; or
  • Staff persons announce to the resident that the intercom has been activated at the time it is activated, and:
  • The resident and any others in the room agree to continue the contact;
  • The assisted living facility deactivates the intercom when the conversation is complete; and
  • The assisted living facility ensures each resident is aware the intercom is operating at all times the intercom is in use in the resident’s room.

[Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2940, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-2940, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-2940, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-2950  Water supply.  The assisted living facility must:

  • Provide water meeting the provisions of chapter 246-290 WAC, Group A public water supplies or chapter 246-291 WAC, Group B public water systems;
  • Protect and maintain the assisted living facility water sys-tems against cross-connection in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control.
  • Meet the requirements of the plumbing code adopted by the Washington state building code council;
  • Install vacuum breakers or backflow prevention devices on hose bibs and supply nozzles used to connect hoses or tubing to housekeeping sinks, and where used, bedpan-flushing attachments;
  • Provide hot and cold water under adequate pressure readily available throughout the assisted living facility;
  • Provide all sinks in resident rooms, toilet rooms and bath-rooms, and bathing fixtures used by residents with hot water between 105°F and 120°F at all times; and
  • Label or color code nonpotable water supplies as “unsafe for domestic use.”

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-2950, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2950, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.34 RCW. WSR 09-01-052, § 388-78A-2950, filed 12/10/08, effective 1/10/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-2950, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-2960  Sewage and liquid waste disposal.  The assisted living facility must:

  • Ensure that all sewage and waste water drain into a municipal sewage disposal system according to chapter 246-272A WAC, if available; or
  • Provide on-site sewage disposal systems designed, construc-ted, and maintained as required by chapters 246-272B and 173-240 WAC, and local ordinances.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-2960, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2960, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-2960, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065,

  • 388-78A-2960, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-2970  Garbage and refuse disposal.  The assisted living facility must:

  • Provide an adequate number of garbage containers to store re-fuse generated by the assisted living facility:
  • Located in a storage area convenient for resident and staff use;
  • Constructed of nonabsorbent material;(c) Cleaned and maintained to prevent:
  • Entrance of insects, rodents, birds, or other pests;
  • Odors; and(iii) Other nuisances.
  • Assure garbage and waste containers are emptied frequently to prevent hazards and nuisances; and
  • Provide for safe and sanitary collection and disposal of:
  • Garbage and refuse;
  • Infectious waste; and
  • Waste grease from the kitchen.

[Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2970, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-2970, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-2980  Lighting.  (1) The assisted living facility must provide emergency lighting in residents units, dining and activity rooms, laundry rooms, and other spaces where residents may be at the time of a power outage.

  • The assisted living facility must maintain electric light fixtures and lighting necessary for the comfort and safety of residents and for the activities of residents and staff.
  • The assisted living facility must provide enough lighting in each resident’s room to meet the resident’s needs, preferences and choices.
  • New assisted living facility construction must, at a minimum, meet the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) recommendations for lighting in common areas as established in the IESNA lighting handbook. The applicable handbook is the edition in effect on the date a construction review fee is paid to the department of health, construction review services, for new assisted living facility construction.
  • Existing assisted living facility construction must maintain, at a minimum, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) recommendations for lighting in common areas as established in the IESNA lighting handbook. The applicable handbook is the edition in effect on the date a construction review fee was paid to the department of health, construction review services, for the assisted living facility or that portion of the assisted living facility that underwent construction review.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-2980, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2980, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.34 RCW. WSR 09-01-052, § 388-78A-2980, filed 12/10/08, effective 1/10/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-2980, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-2990  Heating-cooling—Temperature.  The assisted living facility must:

(1) Equip each resident-occupied building with an approved heating system capable of maintaining a minimum temperature of 70°F. The assisted living facility must:

  • Maintain the assisted living facility at a minimum tempera-ture of 60°F during sleeping hours; and
  • Maintain the assisted living facility at a minimum of 68°F during waking hours, except in rooms:
  • Designated for activities requiring physical exertion;
  • Where residents can individually control the temperature in their own living units, independent from other areas; or
  • Where residents cannot individually control the temperature in their own living units, maintain all living units at a temperature range of 70°F to 75°F;
  • Equip each resident-occupied building with a mechanical air cooling system or equivalent capable of maintaining a temperature of 75°F in communities where the design dry bulb temperature exceeds 85°F two percent of the year per the ASHRAE standards;
  • Equip each assisted living facility with a backup source of heat in enough common areas to keep all residents adequately warm during interruptions of normal heating operations;
  • Prohibit the use of portable space heaters unless approved in writing by the Washington state director of fire protection;
  • Equip each resident sleeping room with individual temperature controls located between eighteen and forty-eight inches above the floor capable of maintaining room temperature plus or minus 3°F from setting, within a range of minimum 60°F to maximum 85°F, these individual temperature controls may be modified to prevent resident access only when:
  • Appropriate, as documented in resident assessment(s) and their negotiated service plan; and
  • The temperature range is maintained at a range of 70°F to 75°F.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-2990, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2990, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-2990, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-2990, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3000  Ventilation.  The assisted living facility must meet the ventilation requirements of the mechanical code as adopted and amended by the Washington state building council; and

(1) Ventilate rooms to:

(a) Prevent excessive odors or moisture; and (b) Remove smoke.

  • If provided, locate outdoor smoking areas in accordance with Washington state law;
  • Provide intact sixteen mesh screens on operable windows and openings used for ventilation; and
  • Ensure window screens that may restrict or hinder escape or rescue through emergency exit openings, do not present an obstacle to facility emergency plans as coordinated with local fire and rescue services.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-3000, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3000, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-3000, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3010  Resident units.  The assisted living facility resident units must have the following:

(1) General characteristics:

(a) Units must have lever door hardware and option for lockable entry doors;

(i) Locking entry doors must unlock with single lever handle motion;

  • Residents may not enter their rooms through another resident unit or resident bedroom;
  • The functional program shall identify the number of units or number of licensed beds designed for staff assisted movement, bathing and toileting;
  • Number of residents: Each resident unit shall be limited to not more than two residents.
  • Unit configuration types: (a) A studio unit or single room;
  • A companion unit sized appropriately to provide two separate sleeping rooms or spaces of a common entry vestibule;
  • A one bedroom unit with separate living and sleeping rooms; or
  • A two bedroom unit with separate living and sleeping rooms;
  • Bathrooms: Access to bathing/toileting facilities within the resident unit must not be through a resident sleeping room or otherwise compromise resident dignity or privacy.
  • Sleeping rooms size:
  • One person rooms shall have not less than eighty square feet of usable floor space;
  • Two person rooms shall not have less than seventy square feet of usable floor space per individual;
  • When a resident sleeping room is located within a private apartment:
  • The private apartment includes a resident sleeping room, a resident living room, and a private bathroom;
  • The total square footage in the private apartment equals or exceeds two hundred-twenty square feet excluding the bathroom;
  • There are no more than two residents living in the apart-ment; or
  • Both residents mutually agree to share the resident sleeping room; and
  • If all other requirements of this section are met, then the two residents may share a sleeping room with less than one hundred forty square feet; and

(d) All sleeping rooms must be of sufficient size to allow three feet between the bed and the adjacent walls or furnishings and five feet between other beds.

  • Calculating floor space:

(a) Usable floor space in a resident’s sleeping room is calculated by measuring from interior wall to interior wall surface;

  • Including areas of door swings and entryways into the sleep-ing room.
  • Excluding areas under ceilings less than seven feet high, closet space and built-in storage, areas under counters, sinks, or appliances, bathroom and toilet rooms.
  • Room arrangement:
  • Each sleeping room must have unrestricted direct access to a hallway, living room, outside, or other common-use area;
  • A resident sleeping room may not be used as a passageway, hall, intervening room, or corridor.
  • Miscellaneous: Each sleeping room must have:

(a) One or more outside windows with:

  • Window sills at or above grade, with grade extending horizon-tally ten or more feet from the building; and
  • Adjustable curtains, shades, blinds, or equivalent for visu-al privacy.
  • Electrical receptacles consistent with the requirements of the electrical code;
  • A light control switch located by the entrance for a light fixture in the room;
  • An individual towel and washcloth rack or equivalent, except when there is a private bathroom attached to the resident sleeping or living room, the individual towel and washcloth rack may be located in the attached private bathroom;
  • A lockable drawer, cupboard or other secure space measuring a least one-half cubic foot with a minimum dimension of four inches;
  • Separate storage facilities for each resident in or immedi-ately adjacent to that residents sleeping room to adequately store a reasonable quantity of clothing and personal possessions; and
  • Separate storage containers for materials used in the admin-istration of intermittent nursing services appropriate to the needs of the resident and documented in the functional program.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-3010, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3010, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-3010, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-3010, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3011  Resident unit furnishings.  (1) The assisted living facility must ensure each resident sleeping room contains:

(a) A bed for each resident, except when:

  • Two residents mutually agree to share a bed; or
  • A resident requests or provides alternate furniture for sleeping.

(b) The bed must be thirty-six or more inches wide for a single resident and fifty-four or more inches wide for two residents, including, but not limited to:

  • Standard household bed;
  • Studio couch;
  • Hide-a-bed;
  • Day bed; or(v) Water bed, if structurally and electrically safe.

(c) If using a bed, a mattress for each bed which:

  • Fits the bed frame;
  • Is in good condition; and
  • Is at least four inches thick unless otherwise requested or necessary for resident health or safety.
  • One or more pillows for each resident;
  • Bedding for each bed, in good repair; and
  • Lighting at the resident’s bedside when requested by the res-ident.

(2) The assisted living facility may use or allow use of carpets and other floor coverings only when the carpet is:

  • Securely fastened to the floor or provided with nonskid back-ing; and
  • Kept clean and free of hazards, such as curling edges or tat-tered sections.

(3) The assisted living facility must ensure each resident has either a sleeping room or resident living room that contains a sturdy chair. This requirement does not mean an assisted living facility is responsible for supplying specially designed orthotic or therapeutic chairs, including those with mechanical lifts or adjustments.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-3011, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20.]

WAC 388-78A-3030  Toilet rooms and bathrooms.  (1) The assisted living facility must provide private or common-use toilet rooms and bathrooms to meet the needs of each resident.

(2) The assisted living facility must provide each toilet room and bathroom with:

  • Water resistant, smooth, low gloss, nonslip and easily clean-able materials;
  • Washable walls to the height of splash or spray;
  • Grab bars installed and located to minimize accidental falls including one or more grab bars at each: (i) Bathing fixture; and (ii) Toilet.
  • Plumbing fixtures designed for easy use and cleaning and kept in good repair; and
  • Provide mechanical ventilation to the outside; and
  • Separation from other rooms or areas by four walls and a door.

(3) The assisted living facility must provide each toilet room with a:

  • Toilet with a clean, nonabsorbent seat free of cracks;
  • Handwashing sink in or adjacent to the toilet room; and(c) A mirror with adequate lighting for general illumination.
  • The assisted living facility must provide a toilet and hand-washing sink in, or adjoining, each bathroom.
  • When providing common-use toilet rooms and bathrooms, for residents who do not have access to a private toilet room in their apartment, the assisted living facility must provide toilets and handwashing sinks for residents in the ratios of one toilet and one handwashing sink for every eight residents. For example: One toilet and one handwashing sink for one to eight residents, two for nine to sixteen residents, three for seventeen to twenty-four residents, and so on.
  • When providing common-use toilet rooms and bathrooms for res-idents who do not have access to a private bathroom in their apartment, the assisted living facility must provide bathing fixtures for residents in the ratio of one bathing fixture for every twelve residents. For example: One bathing fixture for one to twelve residents, two for twelve to twenty-four residents, three for twenty-five to thirty-six residents, and so on.
  • When providing common-use toilet rooms and bathrooms, the as-sisted living facility must:
  • Designate toilet rooms containing more than one toilet for use by men or women;
  • Designate bathrooms containing more than one bathing fixture for use by men or women, unless the bathroom is identified as a single resident use only;
  • Equip each toilet room and bathroom designed for use by, or used by, more than one person at a time, in a manner to ensure visual privacy for each person using the room. The assisted living facility is not required to provide additional privacy features in private bathrooms with a single toilet and a single bathing fixture located within a private apartment;
  • Provide a handwashing sink with soap and single use or dis-posable towels, blower or equivalent hand-drying device in each toilet room;
  • Provide reasonable access to bathrooms and toilet rooms for each resident by:
  • Locating a toilet room on the same floor or level as the sleeping room of the resident served;
  • Locating a bathroom on the same floor or level, or adjacent floor or level, as the sleeping room of the resident served;
  • Providing access without passage through any kitchen, pan-try, food preparation, food storage, or dishwashing area, or from one bedroom through another bedroom; and

(f) Provide and ensure toilet paper is available at each commonuse toilet.

(8) The assisted living facility must ensure twenty-five percent of all resident use, and at least one common use bathing fixtures are roll-in type showers that have:

  • One-half inch or less threshold that may be a collapsible rubber water barrier; and
  • A minimum size of thirty-six inches by forty-eight inches.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-3030, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3030, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13; WSR 10-03-066, § 388-78A-3030, filed 1/15/10, effective 2/15/10. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.34 RCW. WSR 09-01-052, § 388-78A-3030, filed 12/10/08, effective 1/10/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-3030, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-3030, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3040  Laundry.  (1) The assisted living facility must provide laundry and linen services on the premises, or by commercial laundry.

(2) The assisted living facility must handle, clean, and store linen according to acceptable methods of infection control. The assisted living facility must:

  • Provide separate areas for handling clean laundry and soiled laundry;
  • Ensure clean laundry is not processed in, and does not pass through, areas where soiled laundry is handled;
  • Ensure areas where clean laundry is stored are not exposed to contamination from other sources;
  • Ensure all staff persons wear gloves and use other appropri-ate infection control practices when handling soiled laundry; and
  • Have a utility sink and a table or counter for folding clean laundry.
  • The assisted living facility must use washing machines that have a continuous supply of hot water with a temperature of 140°F measured at the washing machine intake, that automatically dispenses a chemical sanitizer as specified by the manufacturer, or that employs alternate sanitization methods recommended by the manufacturer.
  • The assisted living facility or a resident washing an indi-vidual resident’s personal laundry, separate from other laundry, may wash the laundry at temperatures below 140°F and without the use of a chemical sanitizer.
  • The assisted living facility must ventilate laundry rooms and areas to the outside of the assisted living facility, including areas or rooms where soiled laundry is held for processing by off site commercial laundry services.
  • The assisted living facility must locate laundry equipment in rooms other than those used for open food storage, food preparation or food service.
  • The assisted living facility must provide a laundry area or develop and implement policy and procedure to ensure residents have access to an area where residents’ may do their personal laundry that is:

(a) Equipped with:

  • A utility sink;
  • A table or counter for folding clean laundry;
  • At least one washing machine and one clothes dryer; and
  • Mechanical ventilation to the outside of the assisted living facility.

(b) Arranged to reduce the chances of soiled laundry contaminating clean laundry.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-3040, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3040, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-3040, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-3040, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3050  Common areas.  (1) The assisted living facility must provide one or more common areas in which residents may participate in social and recreational activities. Common areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Solariums;
  • Enclosed sun porches;
  • Recreation rooms;
  • Dining rooms; and(e) Living rooms.
  • The assisted living facility must provide a total minimum floor space for common areas of one hundred-fifty square feet, or twenty square feet per resident, whichever is larger.
  • The assisted living facility must provide common areas with furniture and furnishings that meet the residents’ needs.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-3050, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority:

Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3050, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-3050, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3060  Storage space.  The assisted living facility must:

  • Provide adequate storage space for supplies, equipment and linens;
  • Provide separate, locked storage for disinfectants and poi-sonous compounds; and
  • Maintain storage space to prevent fire or safety hazards.

[Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3060, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-3060, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3090  Maintenance and housekeeping.  (1) The assisted living facility must:

  • Provide a safe, sanitary and well-maintained environment for residents;
  • Keep exterior grounds, assisted living facility structure, and component parts safe, sanitary and in good repair;
  • Keep facilities, equipment and furnishings clean and in good repair; and
  • Ensure each resident or staff person maintains the resident’s quarters in a safe and sanitary condition consistent with the negotiated service agreement.

(2) The assisted living facility must provide housekeeping supply room(s):

(a) Located on each floor of the assisted living facility, except only one housekeeping supply room is required for assisted living facilities licensed for sixteen or fewer beds when there is a means other than using a stairway, for transporting mop buckets between floors; (b) In proximity to laundry and kitchen areas; and (c) Equipped with:

  • A utility sink or equivalent means of obtaining and disposing of mop water, away from food preparation and service areas;
  • Storage for wet mops;
  • Locked storage for cleaning supplies; and
  • Mechanical ventilation to the outside of the assisted living facility.

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.20 and 74.39A RCW. WSR 20-02-104, § 388-78A-3090, filed 12/31/19, effective 1/31/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3090, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090. WSR 06-01-047, § 388-78A-3090, filed 12/15/05, effective 1/15/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065, § 388-78A-3090, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3100  Safe storage of supplies and equipment.  The assisted living facility must secure potentially hazardous supplies and equipment commensurate with the assessed needs of residents and their functional and cognitive abilities. In determining what supplies and equipment may be accessible to residents, the assisted living facility must consider at a minimum:

  • The residents’ characteristics and needs;
  • The degree of hazardousness or toxicity posed by the supplies or equipment;
  • Whether or not the supplies and equipment are commonly found in a private home, such as hand soap or laundry detergent; and
  • How residents with special needs are individually protected without unnecessary restrictions on the general population.

[Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3100, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065,

  • 388-78A-3100, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]

WAC 388-78A-3130  Plant restrictions.  The assisted living facility must not use poisonous or toxic plants in areas of the assisted living facility premises accessible to residents who, based on their diagnosed condition or cognitive disabilities, may ingest or have harmful contact with such plants.

[Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-3130, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090 (2004 c 142 § 19) and chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 04-16-065,

  • 388-78A-3130, filed 7/30/04, effective 9/1/04.]