Emergency Waivers
The Secretary, or his or her designee, at his or her discretion and in consultation with the
Commissioner of DPH may temporarily waive, suspend, or modify one or more of the
requirements of 651 CMR 12.00 as necessary to respond to an emergency situation, provided that
any such waiver, suspension, or modification:
(1) is documented in writing;
(2) identifies the conditions that have made such a waiver necessary;
(3) identifies the specific requirement of 651 CMR 12.00 to be addressed and the action to be
(4) is narrowly tailored to achieve its stated objective;
(5) is implemented to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the
(6) is not in violation of any applicable federal or state law; and
(7) ceases upon the termination of the emergency situation.
12.16: Use or Disclosure of Personal Data between and among EOHHS Agencies
EOEA may disclose information regarding a Residence or Resident to an EOHHS Agency
when such disclosure is directly connected to the administration of an agency program or
administrative oversight and the disclosure is not inconsistent with federal or state law.