End of life care complications

End of life care complications

Due to the fact that we are providing care to seniors, it is imperative to assure you are up to speed on the status of their advanced directives. There are so many important factors to consider when a resident has a health emergency and can no longer make decisions for themselves, so having a plan for inevitable is key to keeping yourself out of trouble with ALLHRD and ensuring the resident’s wishes are respected. With that said, when a resident is facing end-of-life care they may wish to discontinue the services. If this happens you must adhere to the following regulation and take the appropriate steps before discontinuing those services:




Subd. 7.Request for discontinuation of life-sustaining treatment.


(a) If a resident, family member, or another caregiver of the resident requests that an employee or other agent of the facility discontinue a life-sustaining treatment, the employee or agent receiving the request:

(1) shall take no action to discontinue the treatment; and

(2) shall promptly inform the supervisor or other agent of the facility of the resident’s request.

(b) Upon being informed of a request for discontinuance of treatment, the facility shall promptly:

(1) inform the resident that the request will be made known to the physician or advanced practice registered nurse who ordered the resident’s treatment;

(2) inform the physician or advanced practice registered nurse of the resident’s request; and

(3) work with the resident and the resident’s physician or advanced practice registered nurse to comply with chapter 145C.

(c) This section does not require the facility to discontinue treatment, except as may be required by law or court order.

(d) This section does not diminish the rights of residents to control their treatments, refuse services, or terminate their relationships with the facility.

(e) This section shall be construed in a manner consistent with chapter 145B or 145C, whichever applies, and declarations made by residents under those chapters.