481—57.11 (135C) General policies.
57.11(1) There shall be written personnel policies in facilities of more than 15 beds to include hours
of work and attendance at educational programs. (III)
57.11(2) There shall be a written job description developed for each category of worker in facilities
of more than 15 beds. The job description shall include title of job, job summary, age range, qualifications
(formal education and experience), skills needed, physical requirements, and responsibilities. (III)
57.11(3) There shall be written personnel policies for each facility. Personnel policies shall include
the following requirements:
a. Employees shall have a physical examination before employment. (I, II, III)
b. Employees shall have a physical examination at least every four years. (I, II, III)
c. Screening and testing for tuberculosis shall be conducted pursuant to 481—Chapter 59. (I, II,
57.11(4) Health certificates for all employees shall be available for review. (III)
57.11(5) Rescinded IAB 10/19/88, effective 11/23/88.
57.11(6) There shall be written policies for emergency medical care for employees and residents in
case of sudden illness or accident, which includes the individuals to be contacted in case of emergency.
57.11(7) The facility shall have a written agreement with a hospital for the timely admission of a
resident who, in the opinion of the attending physician, requires hospitalization. (III)
57.11(8) The residential care facility shall have established policies concerning the control,
investigation, and prevention of infections within the facility. (III)
57.11(9) Each facility licensed as a residential care facility shall provide an organized continuous
24-hour program of care commensurate with the needs of the residents of the home and under the
direction of an administrator whose combined training and supervisory experience is such as to ensure
adequate and competent care. (III)
57.11(10) Prior to the removal of a deceased resident/patient from a facility, the funeral director
or person responsible for transporting the body shall be notified by the facility staff of any special
precautions that were followed by the facility having to do with the mode of transmission of a known or
suspected communicable disease. (III)
57.11(11) Each facility shall have a written and implemented infection control program addressing
the following:
a. Techniques for hand washing consistent with Guidelines for Handwashing and Hospital
Control, 1985, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
PB85-923404; (I, II, III)
b. Techniques for handling of blood, body fluids, and body wastes consistent with Guideline for
Isolation Precautions in Hospitals, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, PB96-138102; (I, II, III)
c. Dressings, soaks, or packs; (I, II, III)
d. Infection identification; (I, II, III)
e. Resident care proceduresto be used when there is an infection present consistent with Guideline
for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, PB96-138102; (I, II, III)
f. Sanitation techniques for resident care equipment; (I, II, III)
g. Techniques for sanitary use and reuse of feeding syringes and single-resident use and reuse of
urine collection bags; (I, II, III)
h. Techniques for use and disposal of needles, syringes, and other sharp instruments consistent
with Guideline for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, PB96-138102; (I, II, III)
CDC Guidelines may be obtained from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Technology
Adminstration, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, Virginia
22161 (1-800-553-6847).
Ch 57, p.2 IAC
57.11(12) Aseptic techniques. If a resident needs any of the treatment or devices on the list below,
written and implemented procedures regarding aseptic techniques shall be followed.
a. Intravenous or central line catheter consistent with Guideline for Prevention of Intravascular
Device Related Infections, Centersfor Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
PB97-130074, (I, II, III)
b. Urinary catheter, (I, II, III)
c. Respiratory suction, oxygen or humidification, (I, II, III)
d. Decubitus care, (I, II, III)
e. Tracheostomy, (I, II, III)
f. Nasogastric or gastrostomy tubes, (I, II, III)
g. Sanitary use and reuse of feeding syringes and single-resident use and reuse of urine collection