8:36-17.1 Provision of services
- The facility shall provide and maintain a sanitary and safe environment for residents.
- The facility shall provide housekeeping, laundry, pest control, and maintenance services, and shall provide assistance to residents who require assistance with these services in their residential
8:36-17.2 Housekeeping
- A written work plan for housekeeping operations shall be established and implemented, with categorization of cleaning assignments as daily, weekly, monthly, or annually within each area of the facility. The facility shall have a written schedule that determines the frequency of cleaning and maintenance of all equipment, structures, areas, and
- Housekeeping personnel shall be trained in cleaning procedures, including the use and care of
8:36-17.3 Resident environment
- The housekeeping and sanitation conditions in paragraphs 1 through 12 below shall be met. Application of this requirement with respect to the individual living environment shall take into consideration residents’ personal preferences for style of living:
- The facility and its contents, including all surfaces such as tables, floors, walls, beds and dressers, shall be clean to sight and touch and free of dirt and debris;
- All rooms shall be ventilated to help prevent condensation, mold growth, and noxious odors;
- All resident areas shall be free of noxious odors;
- All furnishings shall be clean and in good repair, and mechanical equipment shall be in working order. Items which are broken or worn to the extent that they may cause discomfort or present danger to residents shall be repaired, replaced, or removed promptly;
- All equipment and materials necessary for cleaning, disinfecting, sanitizing, and sterilizing (if applicable) shall be provided;
- For central kitchens, thermometers which are accurate to within three degrees Fahrenheit shall be kept in a visible location within refrigerators, freezers, and storerooms used for perishable and other items subject to deterioration. Temperatures shall be maintained in accordance with N.J.A.C. 8:24-3.2;
- Lighted and ventilated storage spaces shall be provided in the facility for the proper storage of residents’ clothing, linens, drugs, food, cleaning and other supplies;
- Articles in storage shall be elevated from the floor and away from walls (if moisture is present), ceilings, and air vents;
- Unobstructed aisles shall be provided in storage areas;
- Effective and safe controls shall be used to minimize and eliminate the presence of rodents, flies, roaches and other vermin in the facility;
- When facility housekeeping services are provided, items such as bedpans, toilets and sinks shall be disinfected, using a process for disinfection established by the facility; and
- Toilet tissue, soap, paper towels or air dryers, and waste receptacles shall be provided in each common area toilet facility at all times. A self-draining dish or device shall be provided for storage of bar soap, if bar soap is used. Residents’ personal cloth towels may be used in residential
- The following safety conditions shall be met:
- Non-carpeted floors in public areas shall be coated with slip-resistant floor finish, and any carpeting in public areas shall be kept clean and odor free and shall not be frayed, worn, torn, or buckled;
- All equipment shall have unobstructed space provided for operation;
- Pesticides shall be applied in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:30;
- All household and cleaning products used by facility staff shall be identified, labeled, and secured. All poisonous and toxic materials shall be identified, labeled, and stored in a locked cabinet or The telephone number of the poison control center shall be conspicuously posted in the facility;
- Combustible materials shall be stored in accordance with fire safety requirements specified in the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code, N.J.A.C. 5:70;
- Paints, varnishes, lacquers, thinners, and all other flammable materials shall be stored in accordance with fire safety requirements specified in the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code, N.J.A.C. 5:70;
- If pets are allowed in the facility, the facility shall provide safeguards to prevent interference in the lives of residents. Guidelines for pet facilitated therapy may be requested from the Department of Health and Senior Services;
- An electrician licensed in accordance with J.A.C. 13:31 shall annually inspect and provide a written statement that the electrical circuits and wiring in the facility are satisfactory and in safe condition;
- The written statement shall include the date of inspection, and shall indicate that circuits are not overloaded, that all wiring and permanent fixtures are in safe condition, and that all portable electrical appliances, including lamps, are Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.) approved; and
- The written statement shall be available for review by the Department during
8:36-17.4 Waste removal
- All solid or liquid waste, garbage, and trash shall be collected, stored, and disposed of in accordance with the rules of the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection and this chapter. Solid waste which is stored within the building shall be stored in insect-proof, rodent-proof, fireproof, nonabsorbent, watertight containers with tightfitting covers and collected from storage areas regularly so as to prevent nuisances such as odors. Procedures and schedules shall be established and implemented for the cleaning of storage areas and containers for solid or liquid waste, garbage, and trash, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 8:24.
- If garbage compactors are used, they shall comply with all the International Mechanical Code, 2003 Edition, incorporated herein by reference, as amended and supplemented, and local codes. Copies of the International Mechanical Code are available from: International Code Council at 1-800-786- 4452 or on the Internet at
8:36-17.5 Heating and air conditioning
- The heating and air conditioning system shall be adequate to maintain the required temperature in all areas used by residents. Residents may have individually controlled thermostats in residential units in order to maintain temperatures at their own comfort
- During the heating season, the temperature in the facility shall be kept at a minimum of 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) during the day (“day” means the time between sunrise and sunset) and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) at night, when residents are in the
- The facility or residents shall not utilize portable
- During warm weather conditions, the temperature within the facility shall not exceed 82 degrees
- The facility shall provide for and operate adequate ventilation in all areas used by
- All areas of the facility used by residents shall be equipped with air conditioning and the air conditioning shall be operated so that the temperature in these areas does not exceed 82 degrees
- Residents may regulate temperature controls in residential units, and may, by choice, exceed 82 degrees
- Filters for heaters and air conditioners shall be provided as needed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s
8:36-17.6 Water supply
- The water supply used for drinking or culinary purposes shall be adequate in quantity, of a safe and sanitary quality, and from a water system which shall be constructed, protected, operated, and maintained in conformance with the New Jersey Safe Drinking Water Act, N.J.S.A. 58:12A-1 et ,
N.J.A.C. 7:10 and local laws, ordinances, and regulations. Copies of the Safe Drinking Water Act can be obtained from the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Potable Water, P.O. Box 209, Trenton, New Jersey 08625.
- The temperature of the hot water used for bathing and handwashing shall be at least 105 degrees and shall not exceed l20 degrees
- Equipment requiring drainage, such as ice machines, shall be drained to a sanitary connection, in accordance with the International Mechanical Code, 2003 Edition, incorporated herein by reference, as amended and supplemented and local codes. Copies of the International Mechanical Code are available from: International Code Council at 1-800-786-4452 or on the Internet at
- The sewage disposal system shall be maintained in good repair and operated in compliance with N.J.S.A. 52:27D-123 et seq., the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, and local ordinances and
8:36-17.7 Building and grounds maintenance
The building and grounds shall be well maintained at all times. The interior and exterior of the building shall be kept in good condition to ensure an attractive appearance, provide a pleasant atmosphere, and safeguard against deterioration. The building and grounds shall be kept free from fire hazards and other hazards to resident’s health and safety.
8:36-17.8 Laundry services
- Written policies and procedures shall be established and implemented for the facility’s laundry services, including, but not limited to, policies and procedures regarding the following:
- Storage and transportation of laundry;
- Collection and storage of soiled laundry in a ventilated area;
- Protection of clean laundry from contamination during processing, transporting, and storage; and
- Handling and laundering of resident’s clothing and personal items separately from other
- Soiled laundry shall be stored in a ventilated, vermin-proof area, separate from other supplies, and shall be stored, sorted, rinsed, and laundered only in areas specifically designated for those
- All soiled laundry from resident rooms and other service areas shall be stored, transported, collected, and delivered in a covered laundry bag or cart. Laundry carts shall be in good repair, kept clean, and identified for use with either clean or soiled
- Clean laundry shall be protected from contamination during processing, storage, and transportation within the
- Soiled and clean laundry shall be kept separate. An established procedure shall be followed to reduce the number of bacteria in the fabrics. Equipment surfaces that come into contact with laundry shall be
- Residents who choose to launder their personal items shall be provided with in-house assistance in accordance with facility
- If the facility provides a laundry service on site in lieu of using a commercial laundry service, it shall provide a receiving, holding, and sorting area with hand-washing facilities. The walls, floors, and ceilings of the area shall be clean and in good repair. The flow of ventilating air shall be from clean to soiled areas, and ventilation shall be adequate to prevent heat and odor build-up.