DHS 83.39 Infection control program.
(1) The licensee shall establish and follow an infection control program based on current standards of practice to prevent the development
and transmission of communicable disease and infection.
(2) The infection control program shall include written policies and training for employees.
(3) Employees shall follow handwashing procedures according to centers for disease control and prevention standards.
(4) Other occupants shall comply with infection control requirements as stated in s. DHS 83.17 (2).
(5) The CBRF shall ensure that pets are vaccinated against
diseases, including rabies, if appropriate.
DHS 83.40 Oxygen storage. Oxygen storage shall be in an area that is well ventilated and safe from environmental hazards, tampering, or the chance of accidental damage to the valve
stem. If oxygen cylinders are in use, oxygen cylinders shall be
secured in an upright position. If stored upright, cylinders must
be secured. If stored horizontally, cylinders shall be on a level surface where they will remain stationary