IPPB Machine Care

The usage of an intermittent positive pressure breathing machine is permitted for residents in Assisted Living Facilities in the state of California. The IPPB machine can be used to treat a variety of pulmonary conditions that the resident may be dealt with. To ensure your community stays compliant, check out the regulation provided by CCLD:


(a) Except as specified in Section 87611(a), the licensee shall be permitted to accept or retain a resident who requires the use of an IPPB machine under the following circumstances:

(1) If the resident is mentally and physically capable of operating his/her own equipment and is able to determine his/her own need. OR

(2) If the device is operated and cared for by an appropriately skilled professional.

(b) In addition to Section 87611(b), the licensee shall be responsible for the following:

(1) Monitoring of the resident’s ongoing ability to operate the equipment in accordance with the physician’s orders.

(2) Ensuring that the procedure is administered by an appropriately skilled professional should the resident require assistance.

(3) Ensuring that the use of the equipment meets the following requirements:

(A) Equipment shall be operable.

(B) Equipment shall be removed from the facility when no longer in use by the resident. (4) Determining that room size can accommodate equipment in accordance with Section 87307(a)(2)(A).

(5) Ensuring that facility staff have knowledge of and ability in the operation of the equipment