Keeping the house clean

Providing a clean, odorless community free of debris and insects is an absolute must for facilities to
provide to residents. Never should there be a reason why you cannot keep your community looking
clean- even if your physical plant is older and in need of a remodel. There is nothing worse for
prospective residents and their families than visiting a community and seeing a dirty living environment.
You can bet your last dollar that OHCQ surveyors would feel the same. Check out the following guideline
for general physical plant requirements in your facility:

.41 General Physical Plant Requirements.
A. The facility, which includes buildings, common areas, and exterior grounds, shall be kept:
(1) In good repair;
(2) Clean;
(3) Free of any object, material, or condition that may create a health hazard, accident, or fire;
(4) Free of any object, material, or condition that may create a public nuisance; and
(5) Free of insects and rodents.
B. Bathtubs, shower stalls, and lavatories may not be used by the staff for laundering or storing soiled linens.
C. The assisted living program shall provide in the resident’s room adequate storage space for excess supplies,
some personal possessions of residents, and similar items which is:
(1) Protected from the elements; and
(2) Secure, fixed, and locked.
D. Residents may possess their own cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items if the assisted living manager
and delegating nurse have determined that the products would not present a threat to the safety of the resident or
others and this decision is documented in the records. The cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items shall be
kept in the resident’s room and out of view of other residents when the materials are not in use