(i) An individual record shall be kept for each resident, recording any
prescription drugs administered by the facility. This record shall include:
(A) Name of the resident;
(B) Name and telephone number of primary physician;
(C) Name and telephone number of the primary pharmacy;
(D) Name and description of the medication, including prescribed dosage;
(E) Dosage administered;
(F) Quantity;
(G) Times and dates administered;
(H) Method of administration;
(I) Any adverse reactions to the medication;
(J) Signature of licensed staff administering medication; and
(K) RN review date and signature.
(ii) Prescription drugs shall be dispensed from a licensed pharmacy, labeled
with the name, address and telephone number of the pharmacy, name of resident, name and
strength of drug, directions for use, date filled, expiration date, prescription number and name of
physician. Controlled substances shall have a warning label on the bottle.
(A) An RN shall destroy all discontinued prescriptions, other than
controlled substances, using accepted standards of practice.
(B) Discontinued or outdated controlled substances shall be destroyed
by the RN in the presence of a licensed pharmacist and documented in the resident’s record.
(iii) Self medication.
(A) Residents able to self-medicate may keep prescription medications
in their room if deemed safe and appropriate by the RN.
(B) Residents may keep and use over-the-counter medications in their
room without a written order by a physician unless deemed inappropriate by the RN.
(C) If more than one resident resides in the room, an assessment will
be made of each person and his ability to safely have medications in the room. If safety is a
factor, the medication shall be kept in a locked container.
(D) The facility will work with the resident to develop a means to
mutually resolve any problems relating to self-medication.
(iv) Medication assistance.
(A) The staff shall be responsible for providing necessary assistance to
residents deemed capable of self-medicating, but are unable to do so because of a functional
disability, in taking oral medications. Non-licensed staff can only assist with oral medications.
Medication assistance may include :
(I) Reminding resident to take medications;
(II) Removing medication containers from storage;
(III) Assisting with removal of cap;
(IV) Assisting with the removal of a medication from a
container for residents with a disability which prevents independence in this act;
(V) Observing the resident take the medication; and
(VI) Documentation of observation.
(v) Medication Administration
(A) An RN shall be responsible for the supervision and management of
all medication administration as required by the Wyoming Nurse Practice Act, and the Wyoming
Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations.