Personnel and Staffing Requirements.

(a) Management.
If the assisted living facility has a governing body, it must designate a manager. If there
is no governing body, the owner shall appoint a manager.
(i) The Manager shall:
(A) Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
(B) Assume the overall responsibility for the day-to-day operation of
the facility;
(C) Direct the work of others, including the training and development
of staff;
(D) Be able to read, write, and speak English;
(E) Maintain financial and other records;
(F) Have a telephone with a listed number in the phone directory under
the name of the assisted living facility;
(G) Be familiar with and follow the State’s promulgated Assisted
Living Facility Licensure and Program Administration Rules;
(H) Pass an open book test on the same. The open book test shall be
administered by the Program Division. The passing score will be 85% or greater. Those
individuals who successfully completed the examination administered by the Licensing Division
shall have their test scores honored;
(I) The manager shall provide an acceptable plan of correction to the
Licensing Division within ten (10) days of the date when a statement of deficiencies is received
by the assisted living facility;
(J) The manager shall not act as, or become the legal guardian or
conservator of, or have power of attorney for any resident of the facility; and
(K) The manager shall meet one or more of the following
(I) The manager shall have completed at least forty-eight (48)
semester hours or seventy-two (72) quarter hours of post secondary education in healthcare,
elderly care, health case management, facility management, or other related field from an
accredited college or institution; or
(II) Have completed at least two (2) years experience working
with elderly or disabled individuals. This experience may have been paid, full-time
employment, or time equivalent in part-time employment or volunteer work that is directly
involved with the elderly or disabled.

(b) Staffing.
(i) The staffing level shall be sufficient to meet the needs of all residents of
the facility, and insure the appropriate level of care is provided.
(ii) There shall be personnel on duty to maintain order, safety, and cleanliness
of the premises, to prepare and serve meals, to keep an adequate supply of clean linens, to assist
the residents in personal needs and recreational activities, and to meet the other operational
needs of the facility.
(iii) The assisted living facility shall not employ an individual as a nurse
assistant who is not currently certified by the Wyoming State Board of Nursing. Certification
must be verified by the manager of the assisted living facility.
(iv) There shall be at least one (1) RN, LPN or CNA on duty every shift.
There shall be at least one (1) person on duty and awake at all times.
(v) If the assisted living facility does not employ an RN, the facility shall
contract with an RN to provide the initial assessment, periodic reviews, assistance plans, as well
as the periodic updates of resident assessment, reviews, assistance plans, and medication
(c) Background checks.
All staff of the assisted living facility shall successfully complete, at a minimum, a State
of Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) fingerprint background check and a
Department of Family Services Central Registry Screening before direct resident contact.
(d) Infection Control.
Written policies shall be in effect to ensure that newly hired and current employees do
not spread a communicable disease that could be transmitted through usual job duties. These
shall include but not be limited to:
(i) Ensure a safe and sanitary environment for residents and personnel.
(ii) Tuberculin Testing.
(A) Tuberculin testing must be accomplished for each employee prior
to employment and annually thereafter.
(B) Employees having known positive skin tests shall provide a
certificate of noninfectiousness, recommendations, if any, for treatment, and evidence they have
complied with such recommendations.
(C) Individuals providing documentation of negative skin test
administered within the last twelve (12) months do not require a follow-up.
(D) Individuals who have not had a skin test or who do not have
written proof of skin test results, shall have an intradermal Mantoux using 5TU PPD. This shall
be accomplished via the two (2) step procedure. If the first test is negative and the employee is
asymptomatic, the employee may engage in resident contact prior to the results of the second skin test.
(I) A negative reaction requires no follow-up.
(II) A positive reaction (10mm induration using 5TU PPD)
requires a referral to a physician for x-ray and certification of noninfectiousness and appropriate
treatment if needed. Follow-up shall comply with the recommendations of the attending physician.
(E) If symptoms occur, a new certificate of noninfectiousness is required.
(F) No person with an airborne, contagious or infectious disease shall
be employed until a work release is obtained.
(I) The facility shall prohibit employees with a communicable
disease or infected skin lesions from direct contact with residents and their food, if direct contact will transmit a disease.
(II) The facility shall require staff to follow universal
precautions when performing direct resident care.
(pe) Personnel Policies and Records.
(i) Management shall provide new employee orientation and education
regarding resident rights, evacuation, and emergency procedures, as well as training and
supervision designed to improve resident care.
(ii) A record for the manager and each employee shall be maintained and
contain at a minimum, the following information:
(A) Name, current address and telephone number;
(B) Social Security Number;
(C) Education;
(D) Work experience, documentation of reference checks;
(E) Date of employment;
(F) Position in the assisted living facility (job description);
(G) Documentation of tuberculin testing;
(H) Orientation checklist;
(I) I-9, (Employment Eligibility Verification);
(J) W-4, (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate);
(K) Licensure, Certification, or Credentials; (e.g., RN, LPN, CNA, etc); and
(L) Documentation of all completed background and Central Registry
background check with no offenses.