Pharmacy and medication administration services.

  1. The facility shall provide assistance to the resident in obtaining necessary medications and medical
  2. The facility shall provide a secure area for medication storage consistent with chapter 61-03-02.
    1. A specific system must be identified for the accountability of keys issued for locked drug storage
    2. Residents who are responsible for their own medication administration must be provided a secure storage place for their
  3. Medication administration services must be available for
  4. All medications used by residents which are administered or supervised by staff must be:
    1. Properly recorded by staff at the time of
    2. Kept and stored in original containers labeled consistently with state
    3. Properly
  5. The resident’s licensed health care practitioner, another licensed health care professional consistent with applicable state practice acts, or a consulting pharmacist shall review the medication regimen of each resident as needed, but at least
  6. A medication record need not be kept for those residents for whom authorization has been given by the licensed health care professional to keep their medication in their rooms and to be fully responsible for taking the medication in the correct dosage and at the proper