37.106.2865 PHYSICAL PLANT (1) An assisted living facility must be constructed and maintained so as to prevent as much as possible the entrance and harborage of rats, mice, insects, flies and other vermin.
- The facility and facility grounds shall be kept orderly and free of litter and refuse and secure from
- When required by the building code authority having jurisdiction, at least one primary grade level entrance to the facility shall be arranged to be fully accessible to disabled
- All exterior pathways or accesses to the facility’s common use areas and entrance and exit ways shall be of hard, smooth material, accessible and be maintained in good
- All interior or exterior stairways used by residents shall have sturdy handrails on one side installed in accordance with the uniform building code with strength and anchorage sufficient to sustain a concentrated 250-pound load to provide residents safety with
- All interior and exterior materials and surfaces (e.g., floors, walls, roofs, ceilings, windows and furniture) and all equipment necessary for the health, safety and comfort of the resident shall be kept clean and in good
- Carpeting and other floor materials shall be constructed and installed to minimize resistance for passage of wheelchairs and other ambulation aids. Thresholds and floor junctures shall also be designed and installed for passage of wheelchairs and to prevent a tripping
- The facility shall install grab bars at each toilet, shower, sitz bath and tub with a minimum of one and one half inches clearance between the bar and the wall and strength and anchorage sufficient to sustain a concentrated 250-pound If a toilet grab bar assist is used over a toilet, it must be safely stabilized and secured in order to prevent mishap.
- Any structure such as a screen, half wall or planter which a resident could use for support while ambulating shall be securely
- The bottoms of tubs and showers must have surfaces that inhibit falling and
- Hand cleansing soap or detergent and single use individual towels must be available at each sink in the commonly shared areas of the facility. A waste receptacle must be located near each sink. Cloth towels and bar soap for common use are not
- Hot water temperature supplied to hand washing, bathing and showering areas may not exceed 120°F.
- The facility shall provide locked storage for all poisons, chemicals, rodenticides, herbicides, insecticides and other toxic material. Hazardous material safety sheets and labeling shall be kept available for staff for all such products used and stored in the
- Flammable and combustible liquids shall be safely and properly stored in original or approved, properly labeled containers in areas inaccessible to residents in accordance with the uniform fire code in amounts acceptable to the fire code authority having
- Containers used to store garbage in resident bedrooms and bathrooms are not required to be covered unless they are used for food, bodily waste or medical waste. Resident containers shall be emptied as needed, but at least
- If the facility utilizes a non-municipal water source, the water source is tested at least once every 12 months for total coliform bacteria and fecal coliform or coli bacteria and corrective action is taken to assure the water is safe to drink. Documentation of testing is retained on the premises for 24 months from the date of the test.
- If a non-municipal sewage system is used, the sewage system must be in working order and maintained according to all applicable state laws and