19 CSR 30-85.032 Physical Plant Requirements for New and Existing Intermediate Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities
PURPOSE: This rule establishes the requirements necessary in new and existing intermediate care and skilled nursing facilities.
- General
- All National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards cited in this rule: NFPA 54, National Fuel Code, 1999 edition; NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, 1999 edition; NFPA 70, National Electric Code, 1999 edition; NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities, 1999 edition; and NFPA 101, The Life Safety Code, 2000 edition, are incorporated by reference in this rule and available for purchase from the National Fire Protection Agency, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269-9101; www.nfpa.org; by telephone at (617) 770-3000 or 1-800- 344-3555. This rule does not incorporate any subsequent amendments or additions to the materials listed
- This rule does not prohibit facilities from complying with standards set forth in newer editions of the incorporated by reference material listed in subsection (1)(A) of this rule where approved by the Department of Health and Senior Services (the department).
- The building shall be substantially constructed and shall be maintained in good repair. New facilities shall comply with the requirements in accordance with the provisions found in 19 CSR 30-85.012. Existing licensed facilities shall meet and maintain the facility’s physical plant in accordance with the construction standards in effect at the time of initial licensing, unless there is a specific rule governing the subject cited in this section or in 19 CSR 30- 85.022, except that those facilities licensed between 1957
and 1965 shall not increase the capacity of any room or the total capacity of the facility without meeting new construction requirements. Existing licensed facilities with plans approved after April 8, 1972 and prior to January 1, 1999, shall comply as Existing Health Care Occupancies with NFPA 101, 2000 edition. Facilities whose physical plant requirement plans are approved on or after January 1, 1999, shall comply as New Health Care Occupancies with NFPA 101, 2000 edition. II/III
- In an existing facility licensed prior to July 1, 1965, the number of persons in any room or area used as sleeping quarters shall not exceed the proportion of one (1) adult for each sixty (60) square feet. In facilities licensed on or after July 1, 1965, adult resident rooms shall be a minimum of eighty (80) square feet per bed in multi-bed resident rooms and one hundred (100) square feet for private rooms. This square footage can include all useable floor spaces such as closets, entryways, and areas with moveable items or furniture that do not impact the safety or welfare of the resident, used for residents’ belongings or if related to their care. Only the area of a room with a ceiling height of at least seven feet (7′) can be included when calculating the square footage. II/III
- An existing facility licensed prior to July 1, 1965 shall not use a private room less than sixty (60) square feet in size as sleeping quarters for residents under seventeen (17) years of age. In multi-bed resident rooms, the following ratios shall apply: thirty (30) square feet per bed for beds four feet (4′) or less in length, forty (40) square feet per bed for beds four feet through five feet (4’–5′) in length and sixty (60) square feet per bed for beds over five feet (5′) in length. In facilities licensed on or after July 1, 1965, rooms shall be a minimum of thirty-five (35) square feet per bed for beds four feet (4′) or less in length; forty-five (45) square feet per bed for beds four feet through five feet (4’– 5′) in length; eighty (80) square feet per bed over five (5) square feet in length in multiple bedrooms; and one hundred (100) square feet for private rooms. II/III
- A facility may not house a resident in a room which has an outside grade of more than three feet (3′) above the floor level on the window side of the resident’s room for a distance of at least fifteen feet (15′) from the outside wall of the resident’s room. II/III
- Facilities initially licensed after July 1, 1965 shall have no more than four (4) beds per room. II/III
- The facility shall provide sleeping quarters, separate from resident bedrooms for the administrator or employees and their families who reside there. III
- A facility shall conspicuously and unmistakably identify each room or ward or resident-use area with a number or room name securely fastened to, or plainly painted on the entrance of the room or ward. III
- Each resident room shall have an outside window with an area equivalent to not less than ten percent (10%) of the required floor area. The facility shall maintain windows so that they may be readily opened and closed. II/III
- Facilities shall ensure that every window in resident- use areas has shades, curtains or drapes. III
- The facility shall make provisions for a room(s) which can be used for isolation of a resident(s) with communicable diseases. Facilities licensed after July 1, 1965 and prior to June 11, 1981 shall have at least two (2) private rooms with a toilet room equipped with toilet and handwashing sink. Rooms designated as isolation rooms may be occupied by residents provided there is a written agreement on file indicating the resident’s willingness to relocate without prior notice if the room is needed for isolation purposes. III
- Every facility shall provide a living room or community room for the sole use of residents. Sufficient chairs and tables shall be furnished. Under no circumstances may the living room be used as a bedroom. A living room must be well-lighted, ventilated, and easily accessible to residents. II
- Facilities shall ensure that gas-burning equipment and appliances are approved by the American Gas Association and installed in compliance with NFPA 54, 1999 edition. Where liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is used, facilities shall comply with the rules of the Missouri Department of Agriculture and NFPA 58, 1999 edition. Facilities that were complying prior to the effective date of this rule with prior editions of the NFPA 54 and NFPA 58 referenced in this rule shall be permitted to continue to comply with the earlier editions, as long as there is not an imminent danger to the health, safety, or welfare of any resident or a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm would result as determined by department. Gas-fired water heaters shall be properly vented and all water heaters shall be equipped with a temperature and pressure relief valve. II
- Oxygen cylinders for medical use shall be labeled “Oxygen.” All facilities shall have oxygen systems, oxygen piping, outlets, manifold rooms, and storage rooms installed in accordance with the requirements of the NFPA 99, 1999 edition. I/II
- Facilities shall provide adequate storage areas for food, supplies, linen, equipment and residents’ personal possessions. II/III
- Toilet rooms shall be easily accessible, conveniently located, well-lighted and properly ventilated. Doors to toilet rooms which may be locked from the inside shall be equipped with a special lock which may be opened from the outside. II/III
- Existing licensed facilities shall provide one (1) toilet for each ten (10) residents or fraction of ten. II/III
- The facility shall provide separate toilet facilities for each sex. Where urinals are provided for men, a facility shall provide one (1) toilet and urinal for each fifteen (15) males or fraction of fifteen. III
- Facilities shall provide grab bars on at least one (1) side of all toilets, in proper positions to facilitate bodily movement of residents. II
- Existing licensed facilities shall provide handwashing facilities consisting of a handwashing sink in each toilet room for each fifteen (15) residents or fraction of fifteen. The handwashing sink may be omitted from a toilet room which serves adjacent resident rooms if each room contains a handwashing sink. II/III
- The facility shall provide one (1) shower or tub for each fifteen (15) residents or fraction of fifteen. II/III
- Facilities shall have metal grab bars securely mounted for bathtubs, shower stalls and toilets. The facility shall also provide rubber or similar type nonskid mats or strips in tubs and showers to reduce or prevent slipping accidents and hazardous conditions. II
- Facilities shall provide fixed partitions or curtains in bathrooms and toilet areas to ensure privacy. III
- The facility shall ensure that plumbing fixtures that supply hot water and are accessible to the residents, shall be thermostatically controlled so the water temperature at the fixture does not exceed one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (120°F) (49°C). The water shall be at a temperature range of one hundred five degrees Fahrenheit to one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (105°F–120°F) (41°C–49°C). I/II
- Facilities shall provide adequate space and locations for the proper cleansing, disinfection, sterilization, and storage of nursing supplies and equipment. This area shall be specifically designated as a clean utility area. There shall be a separate area designated as a dirty utility area, and neither area shall be located in or open into a kitchen, dining room, or a bathroom. The facility shall have utility areas that are easily available to personnel and located conveniently for the nursing station staff. Utility areas shall be well-ventilated and well-lighted. II/III
- The facility shall provide either a nursing station or a nurses’ work area on each floor of a multistory facility. This area shall have chart storage space on current residents. Facilities licensed or with plans approved on or after July 1, 1965, shall have a nurses’ station for every sixty (60) beds. Handwashing facilities at or near the nurses’ station shall be available for physicians, nurses and other personnel attending residents. II/III
- The facility shall be equipped with a call system that consists of an electrical intercommunication system, a wireless pager system, a buzzer system, or hand bells for each resident bed, toilet room, and bathroom. The call system shall be audible in the attendant’s work area and be in compliance with 19 CSR 30-85.012(124). II/III
- The heating of the building shall be restricted to steam, hot water, permanently installed electric heating devices or warm air systems employing either central heating plants with installation so as to safeguard the inherent fire hazard or outside wall heaters with approved installation. Portable heater use is prohibited. Facilities shall provide adequate guards to safeguard residents where potential burn hazards exist. I/II
- The facility shall heat all resident-accessible areas to ensure that the air temperature is not lower than sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68°F). These areas shall be capable of being heated to not less than eighty degrees Fahrenheit (80°F). At all times the reasonable comfort needs of residents shall be met. I/II
- The facility shall cool resident-accessible areas when air temperatures exceed eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit (85°F). These areas shall be capable of being cooled to at least seventy-one degrees Fahrenheit (71°F). At all times the reasonable comfort needs of residents shall be met. I/II
- Electrical Wiring
- Electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the NFPA 70, 1999 edition. Facilities that were complying prior to the effective date of this rule with prior editions of the NFPA 70 referenced in this rule shall be permitted to continue to comply with the earlier editions, as long as there is not an imminent danger to the health, safety, or welfare of any resident or a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm would result as determined by the department. II/III
- Every two (2) years, a qualified electrician will be required to certify in writing that the electrical system is being maintained and operated in accordance with the standards outlined by the NFPA 70, 1999 edition or the earlier NFPA 70 edition with which the facility was complying prior to the effective date of this rule. II/III
- Lighting in hallways, bathrooms, recreational, dining, and all resident-use areas shall be provided with a minimum intensity of ten (10) footcandles and shall be sufficient to meet the residents’ and staff needs. III
- Facilities shall use night-lights in hallways, resident rooms, toilet rooms or bathrooms and on stairways. II
- The facility shall ensure that a reading light is provided for each resident who desires to read. III
- To prevent direct glare to residents’ eyes, facilities shall ensure that lights in resident-use areas have a shade or dome. III
- If elevators are used, their installation and maintenance shall comply with all local and state codes and NFPA 70, 1999 edition. II
- If extension cords are used, they must be Underwriters Laboratories (UL)-approved or shall comply with other recognized electrical appliance approval standards and sized to carry the current required for the appliance used. Only one (1) appliance shall be connected to one (1) extension cord. Only two (2) appliances may be served by one (1) duplex receptacle. Extension cords shall not be placed under rugs, through doorways, or located where they are subject to physical damage. II/III
- The facility shall maintain furniture and equipment in good condition and shall replace it if broken, torn, heavily soiled or damaged. Rooms shall be designed and furnished so that the comfort and safety of the residents are provided for at all times. II/III
- Rooms shall be neat, orderly and cleaned daily. II/III
- The facility shall ensure that each resident shall be provided an individual bed, single or twin, in good repair of rigid type. Beds shall be at least thirty-six inches (36″) wide. Double beds of satisfactory construction may be provided for married couples. Rollaway, metal cots or folding beds shall not be used. II/III
- A minimum of three feet (3′) shall be available between parallel beds. III
- Mattresses shall be clean, in good repair, sized to fit the bed and a minimum of four inches (4″) in thickness to provide comfort. II/III
- The facility shall ensure that each bed has at least one
(1) clean comfortable pillow. Extra pillows shall be available to meet the needs of the residents. III
- Multi-bed resident rooms shall have screens or curtains, either portable or permanently affixed, available and used to provide privacy as needed or as requested. III
- Facilities shall provide each resident with an individual locker or other suitable space for storage of clothing and personal belongings. III
- The facility shall provide residents with an individual rack for towels and washcloths unless they are provided with clean washcloths or towels for use each time needed. III
- A comfortable chair shall be available for each resident’s use. III
- Only activities necessary to the administration of the facility shall be contained in any building used as a long- term care facility except as follows:
- Related activities may be conducted in buildings subject to prior written approval of these activities by the department. Examples of these activities are home health agencies, physician’s office, pharmacy, ambulance service, child day care, food service, and outpatient therapy for the elderly or disabled in the community;
- Adult day care may be provided for four (4) or fewer participants without prior written approval of the department if the long-term care facility meets the following stipulations:
- The operation of the adult day care business shall not interfere with the care and delivery of services to the long-term care residents;
- The facility shall only accept participants in the adult day care program appropriate to the level of care of the facility and whose needs can be met;
- The facility shall not change the physical layout of the facility without prior written approval of the department;
- The facility shall provide a private area for adult day care participants to nap or rest;
- Adult day care participants shall not be included in the census, and the number shall not be more than four (4) above the licensed capacity of the facility; and
- The adult day care participants, while on-site, are to be included in the determination of staffing patterns for the long-term care facility; and
- An associated adult day health care program may be operated without prior written approval if the provider of the adult day health care services is certified in accordance with 13 CSR 70-92.010. II/III