Plans of correction.

  1. A basic care facility must submit a plan of correction within ten days of receipt of the notification of deficiencies pursuant to this
  2. The plan of correction must address how each deficiency will be corrected, what the facility will put in place to assure continued compliance and the date upon which the corrective action will be completed.
  3. The department may accept, reject, negotiate modifications to, or direct the plan of correction. A directed plan of correction is a plan of correction which has been developed in coordination with the
  4. Correction of deficiencies must be completed within sixty days of the survey completion date unless an alternative schedule of correction has been approved by the
  5. The department shall determine, based on the review of the facility’s plan of correction, what follow-up is necessary to verify the correction of deficiencies has been completed. Followup may occur by telephone, mail, or onsite
  6. The department shall make available to the public, on the department’s website, the deficiency statement and accepted plan of correction, following verification of