Having a thorough set of policies and procedures for how their facility operates can certainly keep them out of hot water in many different circumstances. Firstly, when you have a clear P&P for how things are supposed to go your staff will be much more prepared for their job which will ultimately lead to providing better care for residents. Having an understanding of expectations also leads to much happier and efficient employees who actually want to do their job. In addition to the benefits, your staff and residents will see from having P&Ps you can also guarantee the OHFLAC will require to see your policies on the regulations they are inspecting. For more information on what you need to develop in your policies and procedures check out the following regulation provided by West Virginia OHFLAC:
4.1. General Administrative Requirements.
4.1.1. The licensee shall develop and adopt written policies and procedures that are consistent with this rule and specific to the assisted living residence, governing the care and safety of residents, and all other policies and procedures required by this rule. The licensee shall sign and date the policies and procedures at the time of adoption and of any changes. (Class III)
4.1.2. The licensee shall have a copy of the policies and procedures available for review on request by employees, residents, and the general public. (Class III)
4.1.3. The licensee shall have a resident bill of rights, and house rules governing resident behavior and responsibilities, that are both in writing and consistent with this rule. (Class III)
4.1.4. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Secretary, a licensee shall not rent, lease, or use any part of the residence for any purpose other than the operation of housing residents. (Class III)
4.1.5. A licensee that intends to provide adult day care shall obtain prior approval from the Secretary by notifying the Secretary of the number of individuals the residence proposes to serve in addition to the residence’s licensed bed capacity. Individuals to be served shall have the same health screening as required for the residents and shall not have extensive or ongoing nursing care needs. The Secretary’s determination shall be based on space requirements, services proposed to be provided, staffing, and the residence’s history of compliance with this rule. (Class III)
4.1.6. Any individual, including an employee, or his or her spouse, having a financial interest in the residence shall not serve as a resident’s legal representative, with the exception of a representative payee under the United States Social Security Act, unless he or she is related to the resident within the consanguinity of second cousin. (Class III)
4.1.7. All employees of an assisted living residence shall be subject to the provisions of the West Virginia Clearance for Access: Registry and Employment Screening Act, W. Va. Code §§16-49-1, et seq. and W. Va. Code R. §§69-10-1, et seq. (Class II)