Shelter Care Facilities and Personal Care Homes. Apartment-style units are
not required. Rooms are shared by no more than two residents, and in shelter care
facilities they must agree in writing to share a room (husbands and wives do not have to
sign such an agreement). There must be adequate toilet, bathing, and hand-washing
facilities in accordance with the current edition of the state Sanitary Code.
Assisted living facilities must offer apartment-style units with lockable doors to
ensure privacy, dignity, and independence. Each unit must include at a minimum:

(1) a
food preparation area consisting of a sink with hot and cold running water, electrical
outlets, mini refrigerator, cooking appliance (such as microwave or stove), food storage
cabinets, and counter space;

(2) an Americans with Disabilities Act-accessible private
bath which includes a toilet, sink, and shower or tub;

(3) dining/sitting/bedroom area;

(4) storage/closet space;

(5) an operating emergency call system (wired or wireless)
that is easily accessible to the resident in the event of an emergency and that registers
at a location that is monitored at all hours of the day and night; and

(6) HVAC
thermostats that can be individually controlled by the resident and at least one
telephone outlet.

There must be no more than two bedrooms per living unit and residents in double occupancy units must have the right to select their roommates. The entrance to a bathroom from one-bedroom must not be through another bedroom. An efficiency/studio living unit or a bedroom designed for one individual may be shared with another individual only if he or she is a spouse/relative or live-in companion and only if both parties agree, in
writing. Residents sharing a living unit with a two-person bedroom must be allowed to choose their roommate. Both individuals must agree, in writing.