R 325.1941 Records; general.
Rule 41. A resident register, resident records, accident records, and incident reports,
and employee records and work schedules shall be kept in the home and shall be
available to the director or the director’s authorized representative.

R 325.1942 Resident records.
Rule 42. (1) A home shall provide a resident record for each resident.
(2) A home shall assure that a current resident record is maintained and that all
entries are dated and signed.
(3) The resident record shall include at least all of the following:
(a) Identifying information, including name, marital status, date of birth, and gender.
(b) Name, address, and telephone number of next of kin or authorized representative,
if any.
(c) Name, address, and telephone number of person or agency responsible for the
resident’s maintenance and care in the home.
(d) Date of admission.
(e) Date of discharge, the reason for discharge, and place to which resident was
discharged, if known.
(f) Health information, as required by MCL 333.20175(1), and other health information
needed to meet the resident’s service plan.
(g) Name, address, and telephone number of resident’s licensed health care
(h) The resident’s service plan.
(4) A home shall keep a resident’s record in the home for at least 2 years after the
date of a resident’s discharge from the home.

R 325.1943 Resident registers.
Rule 43. (1) A home shall maintain a current register of residents which shall include
all of the following information for each resident:
(a) Name, date of birth, gender, and room.
(b) Name, address, and telephone number of next of kin or authorized representative,
if any.
(c) Name, address, and telephone number of person or agency responsible for
resident’s maintenance and care in the home.
(d) Date of admission, date of discharge, the reason for discharge, and place to which
the resident was discharged if known.
(e) Name, address, and telephone number of resident’s licensed health care
professional, if known.
(2) A register of all residents shall be maintained at all times for the previous 2 years.

R 325.1944 Employee records and work schedules.
Rule 44. (1) A home shall maintain a record for each employee which shall include all
of the following:
(a) Name, address, telephone number, and social security number.
(b) License or registration number, if applicable.
(c) Date of birth.
(d) Summary of experience, education, and training.
(e) Beginning date of employment and position for which employed.
(f) References, if provided.
(g) Results of annual tuberculosis screening as required by R 325.1923(2).
(h) Date employment ceases and reason or reasons for leaving, if known.
(i) Criminal background information, consistent with MCL 333.20173.
(2) The home shall prepare a work schedule showing the number and type of
personnel scheduled to be on duty on a daily basis. The home shall make changes to
the planned work schedule to show the staff who actually worked.
(3) The home shall retain the work schedules for the preceding 3 months