Written by: Pascal Bergeron

As someone who witnessed the challenges faced during Hurricane Andrew, I have concerns about the feasibility of current emergency evacuation plans for assisted living facilities. While state regulations require facilities to have emergency plans in place, the reality is that many agreements and protocols are insufficient when a storm threatens an entire state. With facilities often operating at maximum capacity, it becomes nearly impossible for them to accommodate hundreds of additional residents and staff from other facilities. It’s time for cities, counties, and the state to work together to find a more effective and realistic solution that truly prioritizes the safety of our vulnerable elderly population.

  1. Historical Context: Learning from Past Experiences Having experienced the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew, I recall a time when local communities rallied together to support assisted living facilities. County officials recognized the value of these facilities and provided transportation by school buses while designating public schools as shelters. The coordination was efficient, and residents were assigned classrooms. However, times have changed, and the current approach falls short in addressing the growing needs of our aging population.
  2. Inadequate Capacity: Struggles with Overcrowding Facilities operating at or near capacity are already serving their communities to the best of their ability. The expectation that they can absorb a significant influx of residents during an emergency is unrealistic. Many assisted living facilities lack the physical space, staffing resources, and essential supplies to accommodate a sudden surge in residents from other facilities.
  3. Compliance Concerns: Fear of Regulatory Consequences While state regulations require facilities to have agreements in place for emergency preparedness, many facilities sign these agreements out of fear of non-compliance and potential citations. However, these agreements often lack practicality and fail to address the challenges associated with mass evacuations. Facilities should not be coerced into signing agreements that they know will be ineffective when put into practice.
  4. Collaborative Solutions: A Call for Friendly Partnerships Instead of relying solely on assisted living facilities to handle mass evacuations, it is imperative for cities, counties, and the state to work collaboratively in finding more feasible solutions. This can include revisiting the concept of using public schools as temporary shelters and providing transportation assistance. By fostering a friendly and supportive partnership, local authorities can ease the burden on facilities and ensure the safety of all residents.
  5. Long-Term Planning: Addressing the Growing Elderly Population As the elderly population continues to grow, the challenges associated with emergency evacuations will only worsen. It is essential for stakeholders to take a proactive approach and invest in long-term planning. This includes the development of specialized evacuation centers or the expansion of existing facilities to accommodate increased demand during emergencies.
  6. Enhanced Communication and Coordination: Streamlining Efforts Improved communication and coordination between assisted living facilities, emergency management agencies, and local authorities are crucial. Regular drills and exercises involving all stakeholders can identify gaps and challenges, allowing for the implementation of more effective emergency plans. By working together, we can ensure a smoother response during times of crisis.

Conclusion: The current approach to emergency evacuations for assisted living facilities falls short of meeting the needs of our aging population. It is time for cities, counties, and the state to recognize the limitations faced by these facilities and collaborate on finding more realistic and practical solutions. By fostering friendly partnerships, revisiting past successful practices, and investing in long-term planning, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our elderly residents during times of crisis. It is our responsibility to work towards a more effective and compassionate approach to emergency preparedness in assisted living facilities.

Here are some effective ways for assisted living facility owners to find other facilities willing to accept residents in case of emergency evacuation:

Contact Local and Regional Associations: Reach out to local and regional associations, such as senior care associations, assisted living associations, and healthcare consortiums. These organizations often have networks and resources that can help connect you with other facilities willing to assist during emergencies.

Engage with Emergency Management Agencies: Establish relationships with local emergency management agencies. They have valuable information and contacts within the community and can assist in identifying nearby facilities willing to provide temporary accommodation during evacuations. Attend their meetings, workshops, and training programs to build connections.

Network at Industry Events: Attend industry events, conferences, and seminars focused on senior care, assisted living, and emergency preparedness. Engage in conversations and networking opportunities to meet other facility owners and administrators. Discuss potential collaborations and exchange contact information with those interested in establishing emergency partnerships.

Utilize Online Platforms: Utilize online platforms and resources designed for senior care professionals and facility owners. Websites, forums, and social media groups dedicated to senior care can provide opportunities to connect with other facilities interested in emergency collaborations. Post inquiries or search for relevant discussions to identify potential partners.

Establish Relationships with Nearby Facilities: Proactively reach out to nearby assisted living facilities to establish relationships and explore the possibility of mutual aid during emergencies. Initiate conversations with facility owners or administrators to discuss the potential for collaboration. Emphasize the benefits of creating a reciprocal agreement to support each other during times of crisis.

Collaborate with Local Hospitals: Engage with local hospitals and healthcare systems to explore the potential for establishing partnerships. Hospitals may have resources, space, and staff available to accommodate assisted living facility residents during evacuations. Establish connections with hospital administrators and discuss emergency planning and coordination efforts.

Connect with Home Care Agencies: Reach out to home care agencies in your area that provide services to seniors. These agencies often have connections with other assisted living facilities and may be able to facilitate introductions. Discuss the possibility of forming a partnership to support each other in emergency situations.

Utilize Referral Networks: Utilize referral networks and resources within the senior care industry. This includes working with senior care consultants, discharge planners, and case managers who may have knowledge of assisted living facilities open to accepting residents during emergencies. Maintain relationships with these professionals and keep them informed of your facility’s needs and capabilities.

Remember, when exploring potential partnerships, it’s important to evaluate compatibility in terms of facility size, location, resources, and care standards. Establishing formal agreements and maintaining open lines of communication with partner facilities will help ensure a smooth and efficient response during emergency evacuations.