Subdivision 1. Use of services. Nothing in this chapter requires an assisted living client to utilize any
service provided or made available in assisted living.

Subd. 2. Housing with services contracts. Nothing in this chapter requires housing with services
establishment to execute or refrain from terminating a housing with services contract with a prospective or
a current resident who is unable or unwilling to meet the requirements of residency, with or without assistance.

Subd. 3. Provision of services. Nothing in this chapter requires the arranged home care provider to offer
or continue to provide services under a service agreement or service plan to a prospective or current resident
of the establishment whose needs cannot be met by the arranged home care provider.

Subd. 4. Altering operations; service packages. Nothing in this chapter requires housing with services
establishment or arranged home care provider offering assisted living to fundamentally alter the nature of
the operations of the establishment of the provider in order to accommodate the request or need for facilities
or services by any assisted living client, or to refrain from requiring, as a condition of residency, that an
assisted living client pay for a package of assisted living services even if the client does not choose to utilize
all or some of the services in the package.