A person may not begin to reside in an assisted living home without that person’s consent, or, if the person is not competent, the consent
of the person’s representative (§ 1 ch. 130 SLA 1994)
(a) A person may not begin residency in an assisted living home unless a representative of the home and either the person or the
person’s representative signs a residential service contract that complies with the provisions of this section. Upon signing of the contract, the home shall give the resident and the resident’s representative, if any, a copy of the contract and place a copy of the contract in the resident’s file
(b) A residential services contract must
(1) specifically describe the services and accommodations to be provided by the assisted living home;
(2) set out the rates charged by the home;
(3) specifically describe the rights, duties, and obligations of the resident, other than those specified in this chapter;
(4) set out the policies and procedures for termination of the contract as provided for in this chapter;
(5) state the amount and purpose of any advance payments required by the home; and
(6) set out the home’s policy for refund of advance payments in the event of termination
of the contract or death of the resident. (§ 1 ch. 130 SLA 1994)
An assisted living home shall ensure that an assisted living plan for a resident of the home is developed, and approved by the resident
or the resident’s representative, within 30 days after the resident was admitted to the home. The assisted living plan must be developed by the resident or the resident’s representative with participation from
(1) the resident’s service coordinator, if any;
(2) representatives of providers of services to the resident; and
(3) the administrator of the home (§ 1 ch. 130 SLA 1994) AS 47.33.230. ASSISTED LIVING PLAN CONTENTS; DISTRIBUTION. (a) An
assisted living plan for a resident of an assisted living home must
(1) promote the resident’s participation in the community and increased independence through training and support, in order to provide the resident with an environment suited to the resident’s needs and best interests;
(2) recognize the responsibility and right of the resident or the resident’s representative to evaluate and choose, after discussion with all relevant parties, including the home, the risks associated with each option when making decisions pertaining to the resident’s abilities, preferences, and service needs; and
(3) recognize the right of the home to evaluate and to either consent or refuse to accept the resident’s choice of risks under (2) of this subsection.
(b) An assisted living plan for a resident must identify and describe
(1) the resident’s specific strengths and limitations in performing the activities of daily living;
(2) any physical disabilities and impairments, and the aspects of the resident’s medical condition, general health, emotional health, mental health, or other conditions or problems that are relevant to the services needed by the resident;
(3) the resident’s preference in roommates, living environment, food, recreational activities, religious affiliation, and relationships and visitation with friends, family members, and others;
(4) specific activities of daily living with which the resident needs assistance;
(5) how assistance with the activities of daily living will be provided or arranged for by the home or the resident;
(6) the frequency of the resident’s training for independent living, if habilitation is part of the plan;
(7) the resident’s need for personal assistance and how those needs will be met by home staff or another service provider from the community;
(8) the resident’s need for health-related services and how that need will be met;
(9) the resident’s reasonable wants and the services that will be used to meet those wants.
(c) If the assisted living home provides or arranges for the provision of health-related services to a resident, the home shall ensure that a
(1) registered nurse licensed under AS 08.68 reviews the portion of an assisted living plan that
describes how the resident’s need for health-related services will be met; and
(2) physician’s statement about the resident is included in the plan.
(d) A resident’s assisted living plan must be in writing, in language that can be understood by the resident
(e) If a person’s reasonable wants and needs can be met by a particular assisted living home and a decision is made to enter into a residential services contract between the person and the home, the resident’s assisted living plan shall be approved, dated, and signed by the administrator of that home and either the resident or the resident’s representative.
(f) The assisted living plan shall be retained by the home in the resident’s file. The home shall provide a copy of the plan to the resident and to the resident’s representative if any. (§ 1 ch. 130 SLA 1994)
(a) An assisted living home resident or the resident’s representative, and the home administrator or the administrator’s designee shall evaluate the resident’s assisted living plan, determine whether the plan is meeting the resident’s reasonable wants and needs, and revise the plan if necessary. At the request of the resident or the resident’s representative, the resident’s service coordinator, if any, and family members may participate in the evaluation. If the assisted living home provides or arranges for the provision of health related services to a resident, the resident’s evaluation shall be done at three-month intervals. If the assisted living home does not provide or arrange to provide health-related services to a resident, the resident’s evaluation shall be done at least at one-year intervals.
(b) The administrator or the administrator’s designee shall
(1) document the results of the evaluation in the resident’s record;
(2) sign and date any revisions to the resident’s assisted living plan;
(3) place a copy of the revisions in the resident’s file; and
(4) provide the resident and the resident’s representative, if any, with a copy of the revisions.