He-P 805.15 Resident Admission Criteria, Temporary Absence, Transfer, and Discharge Criteria.
- The licensee shall only admit an individual or retain a resident whose needs are compatible with the facility and the services and programs offered, and whose needs can be met by the
- If the SRHCF admits or retains an individual who:
- Requires lift equipment for transfers, all direct care personnel shall document in their personnel file that they have been trained in the correct operation of such equipment;
- Has a stage 2, 3, or 4 pressure sore, the licensee shall obtain the services of a nurse or other licensed health care professional, who may be a consultant, who has obtained the skills, training and experience for the prevention of pressure sores in accordance with standards set forth by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel;
- Requires continuing nursing care or monitoring including but not limited to residents who are convalescing from an illness or injury and require short-term medical care, the SRHCF shall employ or contract for nursing personnel 24 hours per day; or
- Requires hospice care and the resident is no longer capable of taking medications supervised by unlicensed staff or unable to self direct the taking of medications, the licensee shall have a nurse available to meet the needs of the resident but with delays no longer than 30 minutes, during all shifts, to administer medications or shall administer medications by nurse delegation in accordance with Nur 404.
- A licensee shall not deny admission to any person because that person does not have a guardian or an advanced directive, such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care established in accordance with RSA 137-H or RSA 137-J.
- During a temporary absence the SRHCF shall hold the resident’s bed open in accordance with RSA 151:25.
- The resident shall be transferred or discharged, in accordance with RSA 151:5-a, RSA 151:19, RSA 151:21 V, and RSA 151:26.
- The licensee shall develop a discharge plan with the input of the resident and the guardian or agent, if any.
- The following documents shall accompany the resident upon transfer or discharge:
- The most recent resident assessment tool, care plan and quarterly progress notes if the resident is being transferred to another residential care facility or another SRHCF;
- The most recent nursing assessment, if applicable;
- A copy of the most recent medication administration/assistance record; and
- A licensed practitioner’s order for transfer, if
- If the transfer or discharge referenced in (e) above is required by the reasons listed in RSA 151:26,
II(b), a written notice shall be given to the resident as soon as possible.
- If the transfer or discharge referenced in (e) above is required for life safety reasons, the facility shall make a review of the resident’s needs and options for meeting these needs prior to