Resident records.

  1. The facility shall provide for secure maintenance and storage of all resident
  2. Resident records must include:
    1. The resident’s name, social security number, marital status, age, sex, previous address, religion, personal licensed health care practitioner, dentist, and designated representative or other responsible
    2. The licensed health care practitioner’s orders and report of an examination of the resident’s current health status.
    3. An admission
    4. A copy of an initial and current assessment and care
    5. Documentation of resident observations by authorized
  1. Documentation of death, including cause and disposition of the resident’s personal effects, money, or valuables deposited with the
  2. A quarterly progress note documenting the resident’s current health condition, level of functioning, activity involvement, nutritional status, psychosocial interactions, and
  3. Documentation of review of prescribed
  4. Transfer forms that are completed, signed, and sent with the resident when transferred to another
  5. A medication administration record documenting medication administration consistent with applicable state laws, rules, and practice
  6. Documentation of an annual medication regimen
  7. A written report of any funds kept at a resident’s request. Such record shall show deposits to and withdrawals from the
  8. Documentation of a fire drill walk-through within five days of
  9. All agreements or contracts entered into between the facility and the resident or legal representative.
  10. A discharge
  1. The facility shall maintain resident records for a period of not less than five years from the date of discharge or