Resident Rights
The facility shall adopt and follow a written policy of resident rights. The policy
shall be posted in a conspicuous place, and there shall be documentation in the resident’s record
that the resident read, or management explained the policy. This policy shall not exclude, take
precedence over, or in any way abrogate the legal and constitutional rights enjoyed by all adult
citizens and shall include, but is not limited to the following:
(i) Be treated with respect and dignity;
(ii) Privacy;
(iii) Free from physical or chemical restraints not required to treat the
resident’s medical symptoms. No chemical or physical restraints will be used except by order of
a physician;
(iv) Not to be isolated or kept apart from other residents;
(v) Not to be physically, psychologically, sexually, or verbally abused,
humiliated, intimidated, or punished;
(vi) Live free from involuntary confinement or financial exploitation;
(vii) Full use of the facility’s common areas;
(viii) Voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services;
(ix) Communicate privately, including, but not limited to, communicating by
mail or telephone with anyone;
(x) Reasonable use of the telephone, which includes access to operator
assistance for placing collect telephone calls;
(xi) Have visitors, including the right to privacy during such visits;
(xii) Make visits outside the facility. The facility manager and the resident
shall share responsibility for communicating with respect to scheduling such visits;
(xiii) Make decisions and choices in the management of personal affairs,
assistance plans, funds, or property;
(A) Including choice of home health agencies, pharmacies, personal
care providers and any other private pay provider.
(xiv) Expect the cooperation of the provider in achieving the maximum degree
of benefit from those services which are made available by the facility;
(xv) Exercise choice in attending and participating in religious activities;
(xvi) Reimbursed at an appropriate rate for work performed on the premises for
the benefit of the operator, staff, or other residents, in accordance with the resident’s assistance plan;
(xvii) Informed by the facility thirty (30) days in advance of changes in services
or charges;
(xviii) Have advocates visit, including members of community organizations
whose purposes include rendering assistance to the residents;
(xix) Wear clothing of choice unless otherwise indicated in the resident’s plan,
and in accordance with reasonable dress code;
(xx) Participate in social activities, in accordance with the assistance plan; and
(xxi) Examine survey results.