
Sanitation and Safety Standards

Providing a clean, odorless community free of debris and insects is an absolute must for facilities to provide to residents. Never should there be a reason why you cannot keep your community looking clean- even if your physician plant is older and in need of a remodel. There is nothing worse for prospective residents and their families than visiting a community and seeing a dirty living environment. You can bet your last dollar that the Indiana RCFL surveyors would feel the same. Check out the following guideline for sanitation and other physical plant guidelines in your facility:

410 IAC 16.2-5-1.5 Sanitation and Safety Standards

(a) The facility shall be clean, orderly, and in a state of good repair, both inside and out, and shall provide reasonable comfort for all residents.

(b) The facility shall maintain equipment and supplies in a safe and operational condition and in sufficient quantity to meet the needs of the residents

(c) The facility shall not have more residents than the number for which it is licensed, except in the case of emergency when temporary permission may be granted by the director.

(d) The facility shall comply with fire and safety standards, including the applicable rules of the state fire prevention and building safety commission (675 IAC) where applicable to health facilities.

(e) The facility shall maintain buildings, grounds, and equipment in a clean condition, in good repair, and free of hazards that may adversely affect the health and welfare of the residents or the public as follows:

(1) Each facility shall establish and implement a written program for maintenance to ensure the continued upkeep of the facility.

(2) The electrical system, including appliances, cords, switches, alternate power sources, fire alarm and detection systems, shall be maintained to guarantee safe functioning and compliance with state electrical codes.

(3) All plumbing shall function properly and comply with state plumbing codes. (4) At least yearly, heating and ventilating systems shall be inspected

(f) The facility shall have a pest control program in operation in compliance with 410 IAC 7-24.

(g) Each facility shall have a policy concerning pets.

(h) Any pet housed in a facility shall have periodic veterinary examinations and required immunizations.

(i) The facility shall handle, store, process, and transport clean and soiled linen in a safe and sanitary manner that will prevent the spread of infection.

(j) The facility shall observe safety precautions when oxygen is stored or administered in the facility. Residents on oxygen shall be instructed in safety measures concerning storage and administration of oxygen.

(k) The facility shall keep all kitchens, kitchen areas, common dining areas, equipment, and utensils clean, free from litter and rubbish, and maintained in good repair in accordance with 410 IAC 7-24.

(l) The facility shall have an effective garbage and waste disposal program in accordance with 410 IAC 7-24. Provision shall be made for the safe and sanitary disposal of solid waste, including dressings, needles, syringes, and similar items.

(m) The facility’s food supplies shall meet the standards of 410 IAC 7-24

  1. n) The facility shall develop, adopt, and implement written policies and procedures on cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing equipment used by more than one (1) person in a common area.

Top Takeaways:

  • (g) Each facility shall have a policy concerning pets.

(h) Any pet housed in a facility shall have periodic veterinary examinations and required immunizations.

Having immunization records for any animals residing in the facility is almost as important as having records for your staff. If a staff member or resident is bitten by the animal, you need to be able to produce documentation showing that the animal is immunized.

  • (a) The facility shall be clean, orderly, and in a state of good repair, both inside and out, and shall provide reasonable comfort for all residents.

This should go without saying, but unfortunately there any many facilities who do not maintain a clear and orderly environment. Your facility may not be sparkling brand new, but it needs to be clean and free of odor with equipment that is maintained and working.