Title Medication – Self Administered Medications
Statute or Rule 429.256(2) FS;58A-5.0185(1) FAC

Residents who are capable of self-administering their own medications without assistance shall be encouraged and allowed to do so. However, an unlicensed person may, consistent with a dispensed prescription ‘ s label or the package directions of an over-the-counter medication, assist a resident whose condition is medically stable with the self-administration of routine, regularly scheduled medications that are intended to be self-administered. Assistance with self-medication by an unlicensed person may occur only upon a documented request by, and the written informed consent of, a resident or the resident ‘ s surrogate, guardian, or attorney in fact. For the purposes of this section, self-administered medications include both legend and over-the-counter oral dosage forms, topical dosage forms and topical ophthalmic, otic, and nasal dosage forms including solutions, suspensions, sprays, and inhalers.

Pursuant to Sections 429.255 and 429.256, F.S., and this rule, licensed facilities may assist with the self-administration or administration of medications to residents in a facility. A resident may not be compelled to take medications but maybe counseled in accordance with this rule.
(a) Residents who are capable of self-administering their medications without assistance must be encouraged and allowed to do so.
(b) If facility staff observes health changes that could reasonably be attributed to the improper self-administration of medication, staff must consult with the resident concerning any problems the resident may be experiencing in self-administering the medications. The consultation should describe the services offered by the facility that aid the resident with medication administration through the use of a pill organizer, through providing assistance with self-administration of medications, or through administering medications. The facility must contact the resident ‘ s health care provider when observable health changes occur that may be attributed to the resident ‘ s medications. The facility must document such contacts in the resident ‘ s records.