EXTENDED CONGREGATE CARE POLICIES. Policies and procedures established through extended congregate care services must promote resident independence, dignity, choice, and decision-making. The facility must develop and implement specific written policies and procedures that address:

(a) Aging in place;

(b) The facility’s residency criteria developed in accordance with the admission and discharge requirements described in subsection (5), and extended congregate care services listed in subsection (8);

(c) The personal and supportive services the facility intends to provide, how the services will be provided, and the identification of staff positions to provide the services including their relationship to the facility;

(d) The nursing services the facility intends to provide, identification of staff positions to provide nursing services, and the license status, duties, general working hours, and supervision of such staff;

(e) Identifying potential unscheduled resident service needs and mechanisms for meeting those needs including the identification of resources to meet those needs;

(f) A process for mediating conflicts among residents regarding choice of room or apartment and roommate; and,

(g) How to involve residents in decisions concerning the resident. The services must provide opportunities and encouragement for the resident to make personal choices and decisions. If a resident needs assistance to make choices or decisions, a family member or other resident representative must be consulted. Choices must include at a minimum whether:

  1. To participate in the process of developing, implementing, reviewing, and revising the resident’s service plan,
  2. To remain in the same room in the facility, except that a current resident transferring into an extended congregate care services may be required to move to the part of the facility licensed for extended congregate care, if only part of the facility is so licensed,
  3. To select among social and leisure activities,
  4. To participate in activities in the community. At a minimum the facility must arrange transportation to such activities if requested by the resident; and,
  5. To provide input with respect to the adoption and amendment of facility policies and procedures.