Title ECC – Physical Site Requirements
Statute or Rule 58A-5.030(3) FAC

Each extended congregate care facility must provide a homelike physical environment that promotes resident privacy and independence including:
(a) A private room or apartment, or a semi-private room or apartment, shared with a roommate of the resident ‘ s choice. The entry door to the room or apartment must have a lock that is operable from the inside by the resident with no key needed. The resident must be provided with a key to the entry door on request. The resident ‘ s service plan may allow for a non locking entry door if the resident ‘ s safety would otherwise be jeopardized; and
(b) A bathroom, with a toilet, sink, and bathtub or shower, that is shared by a maximum of 4 residents for a maximum ratio of 4 residents to 1 bathroom.
1. A centrally located hydro-massage bathtub may substitute for a bathtub or shower and be considered equivalent to two bathrooms, increasing the resident to bathroom ratio from four-to-one to eight-to-one. The substitution of a centrally located hydro-massage bathtub for a bathtub or shower that increases the resident to bathroom ratio above four-to-one may occur only once in a facility. The one-time substitution of a centrally located hydro-massage bathtub does not preclude the installation of multiple hydro-massage bathtubs in the facility. The limitation applies only to the one-time reduction in the total number of bathrooms in the facility.
2. The entry door to the bathroom must have a lock that the resident can operate from the inside with no key needed. The resident ‘ s service plan may allow for a non-locking bathroom door if the resident ‘ s safety would otherwise be jeopardized.