(a) A resident receiving limited nursing services in a facility holding only a standard and limited nursing services license must meet the admission and continued residency criteria specified in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C.

(b) In accordance with Rule 59A-36.010, F.A.C., the facility must employ sufficient and qualified staff to meet the needs of residents requiring limited nursing services based on the number of such residents and the type of nursing service to be provided.

(c) Limited nursing services may only be provided as authorized by a health care practitioner’s order, a copy of which must be maintained in the resident’s file.

(d) Facilities licensed to provide limited nursing services must employ or contract with a nurse(s) who must be available to provide such services as needed by residents. The facility’s employed or contracted nurse must coordinate with third party nursing services providers to ensure resident care is provided in a safe and consistent manner. The facility must maintain documentation of the qualifications of nurses providing limited nursing services in the facility’s personnel files.

(e) The facility must ensure that nursing services are conducted and supervised in accordance with Chapter 464, F.S., and the prevailing standard of practice in the nursing community.



(a) A record of all residents receiving limited nursing services and the type of services provided must be maintained at the facility.

(b) Nursing progress notes must be maintained for each resident who receives limited nursing services from facility staff.

(c) A nursing assessment conducted at least monthly must be maintained on each resident who receives a limited nursing service.

(4) This rule is in effect for five years from its effective date.