Staff File Compliance

One of the most common items where facilities get tagged is improper record-keeping associated with staff personnel files. You or your designee should have a system in place where how employee files will be maintained to ensure you stay in compliance with the following regulation provided by Texas HHSC:

RULE 553.41     Standards for Type A and Type B Assisted Living Facilities

(i) Personnel records. An assisted living facility must keep current and complete personnel records on a facility employee for review by DADS staff including:

(1) documentation that the facility performed a criminal history check;

(2) an annual employee misconduct registry check;

(3) an annual nurse aide registry check;

(4) documentation of initial tuberculosis screenings referenced in subsection (n) of this section;

(5) documentation of the employee’s compliance with or exemption from the facility vaccination policy referenced in subsection (r) of this section; and

(6) the signed statement from the employee referenced in §92.102 of this chapter acknowledging that the employee may be criminally liable for the failure to report abuse, neglect and exploitation.