1.             Training and orientation for each new employee and volunteer that provides direct care shall include a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of supervised training prior to providing unsupervised care for residents.
  2.             Documentation of orientation and subsequent trainings shall be kept in the personnel file at the facility.
  3.             Training shall be provided at orientation and at least twelve (12) hours annually, the orientation, training and proof of competency shall include:

                                (1)           fire safety and evacuation training;

                                (2)           first aid;

                                (3)           safe food handling practices (for persons involved in food preparation), to include:

                                                (a)           instructions in proper storage;

                                                (b)           preparation and serving of food;

                                                (c)           safety in food handling;

                                                (d)           appropriate personal hygiene; and

                                                (e)           infectious and communicable disease control;

                                (4)           confidentiality of records and resident information;

                                (5)           infection control;

                                (6)           resident rights;

                                (7)           reporting requirements for abuse, neglect or exploitation in accordance with 7.1.13 NMAC;

                                (8)           smoking policy for staff, residents and visitors;

                                (9)           methods to provide quality resident care;

                                (10)         emergency procedures;

                                (11)         medication assistance, including the certificate of training for staff that assist with medication delivery; and

                                (12)         the proper way to implement a resident ISP for staff that assists with ISPs.

  1.             If a facility provides transportation to residents, employees of the facility who drive vehicles and transport residents shall have training in transportation safety for the elderly and disabled, including safe vehicle operation