Staffing to meet resident needs

One of the most important elements for running a successful ACLF is having a strong team that is passionate about caring for seniors. It can be a difficult task to find these individuals due to the intense and oftentimes exhausting position of caring for seniors. As administrators, we must ensure these folks are trained adequately and given the tools to be successful at their job or we will not have a chance at retaining them for long. Check out the following regulation provided by the Tennessee OHCF as to what type of staffing is required in your community:

1200-08-25-.06 ADMINISTRATION. 

1) Each ACLF shall meet the following staffing and procedural standards:

(a) Staffing Requirements:

  1. The licensee must designate in writing a capable and responsible person to act on administrative matters and to exercise all the powers and responsibilities of the licensee as set forth in this chapter in the absence of the licensee.
  2. If the licensee is a natural person, the licensee shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age, of reputable and responsible character, able to comply with these rules, and must maintain financial resources and income sufficient to provide for the needs of the residents, including their room, board, and personal services.
  3. An ACLF shall have an identified responsible attendant who is alert and awake at all times and a sufficient number of employees to meet the residents’ needs, including medical services as prescribed. The responsible attendant and direct care staff must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and capable of complying with statutes and rules governing ACLFs.
  4. An ACLF shall have a licensed nurse available as needed.
  5. An ACLF shall employ a qualified dietitian, full-time, part-time, or on a consultant basis.
  6. An ACLF may not employ an individual listed on the Abuse Registry maintained by the Department of Health

Pro Tip:

  • While there is no strict guideline as to how many staff members you should have on the premises at any given time it is generally accepted for the staffing ratio to be related to the census and care needs of the community.