Subdivision 1. Background studies required. (a) Employees, contractors, and regularly scheduled
volunteers of the facility are subject to the background study required by section 144.057 and may be
disqualified under chapter 245C. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to prohibit the facility from
requiring self-disclosure of criminal conviction information.
(b) Data collected under this subdivision shall be classified as private data on individuals under section
13.02, subdivision 12.
(c) Termination of an employee in good faith reliance on information or records obtained under this
section regarding a confirmed conviction does not subject the assisted living facility to civil liability or
liability for unemployment benefits.

Subd. 2. Qualifications, training, and competency. Allstaff persons providing assisted living services
must be trained and competent in the provision of services consistent with current practice standards
appropriate to the resident’s needs, and promote and be trained to support the assisted living bill of rights.
Subd. 3. Licensed health professionals and nurses. (a) Licensed health professionals and nurses
providing services as employees of a licensed facility must possess a current Minnesota license or registration
to practice.
(b) Licensed health professionals and registered nurses must be competent in assessing resident needs,
planning appropriate servicesto meet resident needs, implementing services, and supervising staff if assigned.
(c) Nothing in this section limits or expands the rights of nurses or licensed health professionals to
provide services within the scope of their licenses or registrations, as provided by law.
Subd. 4. Unlicensed personnel. (a) Unlicensed personnel providing assisted living services must have:
(1) successfully completed a training and competency evaluation appropriate to the services provided
by the facility and the topics listed in section 144G.61, subdivision 2, paragraph (a); or
(2) demonstrated competency by satisfactorily completing a written or oral test on the tasksthe unlicensed
personnel will perform and on the topics listed in section 144G.61, subdivision 2, paragraph (a); and
successfully demonstrated competency on topics in section 144G.61, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clauses
(5), (7), and (8), by a practical skills test.
Unlicensed personnel who only provide assisted living services listed in section 144G.08, subdivision 9,
clauses (1) to (5), shall not perform delegated nursing or therapy tasks.
(b) Unlicensed personnel performing delegated nursing tasks in an assisted living facility must:
(1) have successfully completed training and demonstrated competency by successfully completing a
written or oral test of the topics in section 144G.61, subdivision 2, paragraphs (a) and (b), and a practical
skills test on tasks listed in section 144G.61, subdivision 2, paragraphs (a), clauses (5) and (7), and (b),
clauses (3), (5), (6), and (7), and all the delegated tasks they will perform;
(2) satisfy the current requirements of Medicare for training or competency of home health aides or
nursing assistants, as provided by Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 483 or 484.36; or
(3) have, before April 19, 1993, completed a training course for nursing assistants that was approved
by the commissioner.
(c) Unlicensed personnel performing therapy or treatment tasks delegated or assigned by a licensed
the health professionals must meet the requirements for delegated tasks in section 144G.62, subdivision 2,
paragraph (a), and any other training or competency requirements within the licensed health professional’s
scope of practice relating to delegation or assignment of tasks to unlicensed personnel.
Subd. 5. Temporary staff. When a facility contracts with a temporary staffing agency, those individuals
must meet the same requirements required by this section for personnel employed by the facility and shall
be treated as if they are staff of the facility.