Oxygen is truly vital to human life. Unfortunately, there are people who require supplemental oxygen therapy to survive on a day-to-day basis due to conditions such as; COPD, Pulmonary fibrosis, Pneumonia, sleep apnea, and many others. Because we work with seniors who have these comorbidities it is likely you will find that some of your residents require the use of supplemental oxygen. That state of California does allow us to both accept and retain residents who require oxygen, although the care is regulated by CCLD. Check it out below:
(a) Except as specified in Section 87611(a), the licensee shall be permitted to accept or retain a resident who requires the use of oxygen gas administration under the following circumstances:
(1) If the resident is mentally and physically capable of operating the equipment, is able to determine his/her need for oxygen, and is able to administer it him/herself. OR
(2) If intermittent oxygen administration is performed by an appropriately skilled professional.
(b) In addition to Section 87611(b), the licensee shall be responsible for the following:
(1) Monitoring of the resident’s ongoing ability to operate the equipment in accordance with the physician’s orders.
(2) Ensuring that oxygen administration is provided by an appropriately skilled professional should the resident require assistance.
(3) Ensuring that the use of oxygen equipment meets the following requirements:
(A) A report shall be made in writing to the local fire jurisdiction that oxygen is in use at the facility.
(B) “No Smoking-Oxygen in Use” signs shall be posted in the appropriate areas.
(C) Smoking shall be prohibited where oxygen is in use.
(D) All electrical equipment shall be checked for defects that may cause sparks.
(E) Oxygen tanks that are not portable shall be secured in a stand or to the wall.
(F) Plastic tubing from the nasal cannula or mask to the oxygen source shall be long enough to allow the resident movement within his/her room but does not constitute a hazard to the resident or others.
(G) Oxygen from a portable source shall be used by residents when they are outside of their rooms.
(H) Equipment shall be operable.
(I) Equipment shall be removed from the facility when no longer in use by the resident.
(4) Determining that room size can accommodate equipment in accordance with Section 87307, Personal Accommodations and Services.
(5) Ensuring that facility staff has knowledge of, and ability in the operation of the oxygen equipment.
(c) The licensee shall be permitted to accept or retain a resident who requires the use of liquid oxygen under the following circumstances:
(1) The licensee obtains prior approval from the licensing agency.
(2) If the resident is mentally and physically capable of operating the equipment, is able to determine his/her need for oxygen, and is able to administer it him/herself.